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Little Foot Fossil Sheds New Light on Hominin Brain Evolution
Brain of this ancient human relative is a mosaic of ape-like  and human-like features
FDA Approves New Enzyme Product for ALL
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new drug for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.
Catheter ablation superior to standard drug
Catheter ablation superior to standard drug therapy for heart failure
Later School Start Times Increase Sleep, Attendance and Grades: Study
Later start time led to increased sleep, associated with a 4.5% increased grades of the students and an improvement in attendance
Million-Strong Study Supports CRC Screening Every 10 Years
Clinicians following guideline recommendations to screen for colorectal cancer once every 10 years can reassure their patients that the time interval is effective and does not put them at increased risk, conclude US investigators.
Why are more boys than girls born every single year?
Every year, there are always more baby boys than girls born in England and Wales. Fact. Why?
Losing neurons can sometimes not be that bad
New results could lead to a complete rethinking of therapeutical approaches to Alzheimer's
Yale experts treat severe, disfiguring sarcoidosis with novel therapy
Successful treatment of a patient with disfiguring sarcoidosis  with a drug approved for rheumatoid arthritis
Rerouting nerves during amputation reduces phantom limb pain before it starts
Researchers find life-altering benefits to surgery developed for advanced prosthetics
Phytochemistry, traditional uses and pharmacological profile of rose hip
This article by Dr. Amirhossein Sahebkar et al. is published in Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2018
Bacteria found in ancient Irish soil halts growth of superbugs -- new hope for tackling antibiotic resistance
Soil from Ireland thought to have medicinal properties discovered to contain previously unknown strain of bacteria effective against four of the top six superbugs
A tilt of the head facilitates social engagement, researchers say
New findings of potential value for people with autism
Man Gets Black Widow Spider Bite. Then He Can't Pee.
There's a whole range of reasons you don't want to be bitten by a black widow spider, but you probably wouldn't think that losing the ability to pee is one of them.
Simple Sugars Wipe Out Beneficial Gut Bugs
Fructose and sucrose can make it all the way to the colon, where they spell a sugary death sentence for beneficial bacteria.
A Chinese alternative medicine empire is under fire after doctors say it gave jujube tea to a 4-year old cancer patient
For 15 years, Quanjian Group touted all kinds of miraculous products, growing into a $3 billion-a-year behemoth
This May Be Life's 'Missing Ingredient'
Early RNA may have had one nucleobase that isn't part of the modern form
Scientists model Mercury's glaciers
The processes that led to glaciation at the cratered poles of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, have been modeled by a University of Maine-led research team.
Entering a crowded market, Japan’s new rocket scores an early win
Mitsubishi's new H3 rocket is now deep into development.
A desert explosion helps scientists plan earthquake-detecting balloons on Venus
Could provide important clues about the interior of our sister planet and why it evolved so differently from our own

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