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Unprecedented Recovery: Drug Helps Treat Spinal Cord Injuries
Researchers discovered that AZD1236, a drug developed by AstraZeneca, might reduce damage after spinal cord injury.
Does warfare make societies more complex? Controversial study says yes
Archaeological analysis suggests an arms race in ironworking and cavalry spurred bureaucracy and bigger populations
Forest-Living East African Chimpanzees are Digging Wells for Cleaner Water: Study
First report of habitual well-digging in a rainforest-living group of East African chimpanzees
A Dying Star’s Last Act was to Destroy all Its Planets
Expansive buffet makes this stellar cannibalism act one of the most widespread ever seen
Ancient wolves give clues to origins of dogs
Study helps narrow down where our canine pals came from
A new look at the ‘mineral kingdom’ may transform how we search for life
Research also shows Earth may have been ready for life to form earlier than typically thought
How Eating Eggs Can Protect Against Heart Disease and Improve Heart Health
According to new research, eating eggs may increase the quantity of heart-healthy metabolites in the blood, which may help explain why moderate egg consumption is protective against cardiovascular disease
South African Hominin Fossils Predate Lucy, Analysis Suggests
A newer dating technique using cosmogenic isotopes finds Australopithecus remains from the Sterkfontein caves to be about 1 million years older than previous estimates, potentially changing scientists’ understanding of humanity’s origins.
Scientists Have Measured a Perceptual Ability Called 'O'. How Good Is Yours?
Research suggests some people are just better than others at learning to discriminate things perceptually, whatever the objects may be
Study of Ancient Mass Extinction Reveals Dinosaurs Took Over Earth Amid Ice, Not Warmth
Thriving in a Series of Sudden Global Chills That Killed Competitors
‘Zombie papers’ just won’t die. Retracted papers by notorious fraudster still cited years later
Authors who cited flawed work often fail to warn readers, study finds
Meet Nepenthes pudica, Carnivorous Plant that Produces Underground Traps
Pitcher plant produces well-developed, fully functional and effective underground traps
Walking Can Improve Cognitive Function
For some people, walking can boost brain function
A Clunky Mask May be the Answer to Airborne Disease and N95 Waste
Experts say the U.S. government has unintentionally encouraged a dependency on imported masks by failing to promote elastomeric respirators, a reusable mask that is domestically produced.
Ancient DNA yields surprising findings on world's earliest seafarers
Including family structure, social customs, and the ancestral populations of the people living there today
The Rhyme-as-Reason Effect: Why We Find Reason in Rhyme, Time After Time
The rhyme-as-reason effect refers to our tendency to perceive rhyming statements as more truthful than those that don’t rhyme

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