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Humans Can Learn to 'Echolocate' in Just 10 Weeks, Experiment Shows
With enough training, most humans can learn how to echolocate, using their tongue to make clicking sounds and interpreting the echoes that come back, reflected from the surrounding environment.
Scientists Have Created a Method To Prevent Deadly Infections Without Antibiotics
UCLA researchers have created a new surface treatment that prevents bacteria from sticking to medical devices such as catheters and stents.
Picasso‘s favorite pigment may one day recycle metals from your cell phone
Prussian blue binds with gold- and platinum-group metals thanks to jungle-gym structure.
Cancer cells spread aggressively during sleep
Researchers make ‘striking’ discovery that breast cancer cells are more likely to jump into the blood when people are resting.
A blueprint for life forms on Mars?
The extremely salty, very cold, and almost oxygen-free environment under the permafrost of Lost Hammer Spring in Canada's High Arctic is a good place to look
Squirrels Could Make Monkeypox a Forever Problem
If the virus finds a new animal host, it could settle in for the long run―and cause more outbreaks in the future.
Skin Mites That Mate on Our Faces at Night Are Slowly Merging With Humans
If you are reading this, you are probably not alone.
Bonobos' tolerant, peaceful group relationships paved way for human peacemaking
How did humans get our capacity for tolerance and cooperation among social groups?
Side Effects May Include … A Completely New Hair Color?
An experimental therapy helped patients with a rare disease feel better. It also led to an accidental makeover.
Organ storage a step closer with cryopreservation discovery
Australian scientists have taken the first step towards improved storage of human cells, which may lead to the safe storage of organs such as hearts and lungs.
Largest bacterium ever found is surprisingly complex
‘Microorganism’ is a misnomer when it comes to centimetre-long Thiomargarita magnifica.
Introduce Allergens Early, Say French Allergologists
French Society of Allergology advocates early introduction of allergens for all children, starting at 4 months of age.
Poliovirus may be spreading in London; virus detected in sewage for months
Vaccine-derived poliovirus spreads with poor hygiene, sanitation, and low vaccination.
An Ancient Killer Is Rapidly Becoming Resistant to Antibiotics, Scientists Warn
According to new research, the bacterium that causes typhoid fever is evolving extensive drug resistance, and it's rapidly replacing strains that aren't resistant.
Encapsulated bacteria show promise as injectable living drugs factories to treat diseases
Engineered bacteria have been injected under the skin of rodents where they functioned as living drug or vaccine factories.
Vaccines Prevented Nearly 20M COVID Deaths Globally in 1st Year
Vaccinations prevented nearly 20 million deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories in the first 12 months the shots were available, a mathematical modeling study calculates.
The Sleep Debt Collector is Here
Recent studies in humans and mice have shown that late nights and early mornings may cause long lasting damage to your brain.
Sudden Cardiac Death: Up to 80% of Athletes Who Die Suddenly Had No Symptoms or Family History of Heart Disease
New recommendations published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology describe how to use genetic testing to prevent sudden cardiac death in athletes and enable safe exercise.
Flu Vaccination Linked to 40% Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
A new study finds that flu vaccination was associated with a 40% reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease over a four-year period.
Research Suggests There's a Big Overlooked Benefit of Having Dyslexia
Brains that find it hard to quickly interpret written words could find it easier to explore their environments for useful clues

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