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COVID lessons from Japan: the right messaging empowers citizens
There’s no perfect solution to suppress the pandemic, but careful study and communication are key.
Ultrathin Fuel Cell Generates Electricity From Your Body’s Own Sugar
Engineers have created a glucose power source that could fuel miniature implants and electronic sensors.
Cancer Origin Identified by Scientists Through Cell “Surgery”
Research from the University of Warwick reveals new insights on a key cause of cancer formation during cell division (or mitosis), and points towards potential solutions for preventing it from occurring.
Shards of the Planet Mercury May Be Hiding on Earth
New research explains how meteorites called aubrites may actually be shattered pieces of the planet closest to the sun from the early days of the solar system.
New Dinosaur Species Identified in Japan
A new genus and species of therizinosaurid dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period has been identified from the fossilized remains unearthed on Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan.
Swarm satellites unveil magnetic waves that sweep the outermost part of Earth's outer core
Scientists have discovered a completely new type of magnetic wave that sweeps across the outermost part of Earth's outer core every seven years
‘Mind blowing’ ancient settlements uncovered in the Amazon
The urban centres are the first to be discovered in the region, challenging archaeological dogma.
How the Brain Links Memories
Our brains rarely record single memories―instead, they store memories into groups so that the recollection of one significant memory triggers the recall of others connected by time. As we age, however, our brains gradually lose this ability to link related memories.
T. rex and its close relatives were warm-blooded like modern birds
Dinosaur blood ran hot and cold, scientists recently discovered.
On your back? Side? Face-down? Mice show how we sleep may trigger or protect our brain from diseases like ALS
Recently, we studied mice and identified a new target in the fight against Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the brain’s waste clearance system
Researcher describes how extraterrestrial civilizations could colonize the galaxy even if they don't have starships
Astronomers have searched for extraterrestrial civilizations in planetary systems for sixty years, to no avail.
More Damaging Than Previously Thought: Glaciers Might Not Be Able To Recover From Climate Change
Ice shelves are floating extensions of glaciers. A new study, published in Nature Communications, found that if Greenland’s second-largest ice shelf breaks up, it may not recover unless Earth’s future climate cools considerably.
Monkeypox may have been spreading in UK for years
This is one hypothesis to explain the monkeypox strain currently spreading.

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