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COVID-19 Genetic Risk Variant Inherited From Neanderthals Protects Against HIV
A COVID-19 risk variant inherited from Neanderthals reduces a person’s risk of contracting HIV by 27 percent.
Ticks survive for 27 years in entomologist's lab
Lived for a total of 27 years but also healthily reproduced
Fourth dose of COVID vaccine offers only slight boost against Omicron infection
Israeli trial shows a fourth vaccination raises antibody levels but provides little extra protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease Share Common Genetic Roots
Depression found to play a causal role in AD development
Largest Jurassic pterosaur on record unearthed in Scotland
It had a wingspan of at least 8 feet.
Giant Haul of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts Spills The Lost Secrets of Mummification
A deposit of hundreds of embalming tools uncovered in Abusir, Egypt – probably the largest ever found – offers clues into a lavish funeral that likely took place about 2,600 years ago.
Largest bacterium ever discovered has unexpectedly complex cells
Giant microbe from a mangrove could be a missing link between single-celled organisms and the cells that make up humans
Earliest evidence of ear surgery 5,300 years ago
Skull bore evidence of a type of cranial surgery meant to cure an ear ailment.
Branch-Like Projections Called Dendrites May Help Neurons Perform Complicated Calculations
Different types of these branch-like projections process incoming information in different ways before sending it to the body of the neuron.
Can Caring for a Pet Protect the Aging Brain?
Years spent caring for a dog or cat may help mitigate cognitive decline among older adults, new research suggests.
Scientists Built a Coronavirus From Scratch, Then Saw It Trying to Hide
If you want to truly understand what makes a machine tick, you need to tinker. Swap gears, lock a lever, loosen a spring, and watch how it goes.
New Research Finds Words Are Needed To Think About Numbers
Among adults who vary in their knowledge of number words, the ability to reason about numbers is bound by the highest number they can count to.
Rapid emergence of new SARS-CoV2 variants due to the virus' ability to momentarily accelerate its evolutionary pace
New research led by the Doherty Institute has found the SARS-CoV-2 virus has the ability to momentarily accelerate its evolutionary pace, enabling variants to emerge more rapidly than other viruses.  
How squid camouflage could help prevent skin cancer in humans
It wasn't the result the scientists wanted, but the disappointment was short-lived
Largest human family tree ever created retraces the history of our species
The tree is based on thousands of human genome sequences.
Researchers identify 1,044 underused plants that could combat vitamin deficiency
New research has identified more than 1,000 edible plants that could address vitamin B deficiencies for thousands of people.
Canada Approves World's First Plant-Based COVID-19 Vaccine
Canada has ordered 76 million doses of Covifenz, the main ingredient of which was manufactured in the leaves of a tobacco relative.
Spectacular Chain-Mail Structure: The Protective Armor of Superbug C. difficile Revealed
Spectacular structure of chain-mail may explain the success of C.diff at defending itself against antibiotics and immune system molecules.
Wuhan market was epicentre of pandemic’s start, studies suggest
Report authors say that the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 jumped from animals sold at the market into people twice in late 2019 ― but some scientists want more definitive evidence.
A Near-Real-Time View of the Drains Inside the Human Brain
A new non-invasive technique provides a near-real-time view of the human brain’s waste-clearance vessels.

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