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Drug for rare disorder shows promise for treating herpes viruses
A drug currently prescribed to treat a rare enzyme deficiency can help cells clear the herpes simplex 1 and herpes simplex 2 viruses
Mount Sinai researchers advance a universal influenza virus vaccine
Induces immune responses to a wide spectrum of influenza virus strains and subtypes
Study shows that Japanese bats urgently require conservation action
90% of endemic species threatened with extinction
A study predicts smooth interaction between humans and robots
According to a new study by Tampere University in Finland, making eye contact with a robot may have the same effect on people as eye contact with another person.
SUDEP May Explain 3% of All Sudden Deaths in Kids
A prevalence rate that is at least three times greater than previously reported estimates
Study: Bartonella infection associated with psychiatric symptoms and skin lesions
Bartonella bacteria are increasingly recognized as an emerging infectious disease threat.
More support for induction at 41 weeks' pregnancy, especially for first time mothers
Growing evidence that pregnant women who go beyond term will benefit from induction of labour at 41 weeks
Uniquely human gene may drive numerous cancers
Human-specific connection between advanced carcinomas and a gene called Siglec-XII
Charles Darwin was right about why insects are losing the ability to fly
Most insects can fly. Yet scores of species have lost that extraordinary ability, particularly on islands.
Can sting rays and electric rays help us map the ocean floor?
Electric rays and sting rays equipped with pingers will be able to map the seabed through natural exploration
Breakthrough forensic approach to help crack down on the sale of fake drugs
Fake medicines are one of the biggest health problems in the world today.
Natural antibiotics produced in wounds increase sleep and survival after injury
They signal across tissues from the site of injury to the brain, sending a message to increase sleep and raise the chances for surviving the injury.
Man With Quadriplegia Controls Prosthetic Arms With His Mind
A man with quadriplegia has been able to simultaneously control a pair of prosthetic arms with only his thoughts by virtue of electrodes implanted in both sides of his brain and a brain-computer interface.
Tomatoes offer affordable source of Parkinson's disease drug
Scientists have produced a tomato enriched in the Parkinson's disease drug L-DOPA in what could become a new, affordable source of one of the world's essential medicines.
A surgeon's birthday may be a dicey day for older patients
Study shows higher mortality rates for those needing emergency procedures
Shocking adaptations discovered in electric fish of Brazil's Amazon
Electric fish are able to interact with each other over longer distances than known possible in a way similar to AM radio.
Deadly, emergent cancer becoming endemic in Tasmanian devils, reducing extinction threat
An emergent transmissible cancer that once threatened Tasmanian devils with extinction appears to be transitioning to a state of endemism, researchers report.
Distinct Microbiome and Metabolites Linked with Depression
Gastrointestinal tracts of people with major depressive disorder harbor a signature composition of viruses, bacteria, and their metabolic products
Diet modifications - including more wine and cheese - may help reduce cognitive decline
The foods we eat may have a direct impact on our cognitive acuity in our later years.
Animal behaviour: Cognitive performance of four-months-old ravens may parallel adult apes
By four months cognitive performance of ravens in experimental
Melatonin: finally, a supplement that actually boosts memory
Melatonin and its metabolites promote the formation of long-term memories in mice and protect against cognitive decline
Artificial intelligence finds surprising patterns in Earth's biological mass extinctions
The idea that mass extinctions allow many new types of species to evolve is a central concept in evolution, but a new study using artificial intelligence to examine the fossil record finds this is rarely true, and there must be another explanation
'The robot made me do it': Robots encourage risk-taking behaviour in people
New research has shown robots can encourage people to take greater risks in a simulated gambling scenario than they would if there was nothing to influence their behaviours.
Scientists build whole functioning thymus from human cells
Researchers have rebuilt a human thymus using human stem cells and a bioengineered scaffold

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