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Doctors confirm the existence of multiple chronotypes
Having conducted a large-scale study, a team of scientists improved the classification of human diurnal activity and suggested using 6 chronotypes instead of just 'early birds' and 'night owls'.
Moderna Filing for FDA Emergency COVID Vaccine Approval Today
Moderna announced that the vaccine prevented serious cases of infection.
HIV-like virus edited out of primate genome
Breakthrough brings Temple researchers and their collaborators closer to a cure for human HIV infection
Stone Age 'Venus Figurines' Have a New Explanation, And It's Surprisingly Touching
Alternative explanation for mystery of the figurines' exaggerated physiques as symbols of survival
Glucosamine may reduce overall death rates as effectively as regular exercise
Glucosamine supplements may reduce the risk of cardiovascular-related death--and death overall
Telomere shortening protects against cancer
Long viewed as an unwanted side-effect of aging, study shows it is in fact good for you
Cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis does not impair driving, landmark study shows
Research shows cannabidiol safe for driving and THC effects fade in hours
Drug reverses age-related cognitive decline within days
Rapid mental rejuvenation in old mice suggests age-related losses may be broadly reversible
KU Leuven vaccine candidate protects against Covid-19 and yellow fever
Vaccine candidate against Covid-19 based on yellow fever vaccine, which as a result also works against yellow fever
Cracking the meat-allergy mystery with the tick-bite link
An unusual reaction to mammalian meat is challenging the immunological understanding of allergies.
Incredible vision in ancient marine creatures drove an evolutionary arms race
Ancient deep sea creatures called radiodonts had incredible vision that likely drove an evolutionary arms race according to new research published today.
Cretaceous Titanosaur Suffered from Blood Parasites and Severe Bone Inflammation
A giant sauropod dinosaur that lived 85.2 million years ago (Cretaceous period) in what is now Brazil had an aggressive case of osteomyelitis in its leg and soft-bodied parasitical microorganisms in its vascular canals.
Colchicine a Case Study for What's Wrong With US Drug Pricing
Centuries-old drug sold for pennies in the United States before increasing 50-fold to about $5 per pill in 2009
Lab-Grown Chicken Meat Is Finally Going on Sale in a World First
Lab-grown chicken will soon be available in restaurants in Singapore after the country became the first to green-light meat created without slaughtering any animals.
Cluster of Alaskan islands could be single, interconnected giant volcano
A small group of volcanic islands in Alaska's Aleutian chain might be part of a single, undiscovered giant volcano
How Dinosaurs Thrived in the Snow
Discoveries made in the past decades help show how many species coped with cold temperatures near both poles
'Oldest' Baby Ever Born Is a 28-Year-Old Record-Breaker Almost as Old as Her Mother
A baby born in Tennessee can lay claim to being the oldest baby ever born, in that she is believed to be the longest-frozen embryo ever successfully delivered in a live birth.
Common tire chemical implicated in mysterious deaths of at-risk salmon
6PPD-quinone, leaches out of the particles that tires shed onto pavement
Oral drug blocks SARS-CoV-2 transmission, Georgia State biomedical sciences researchers find
"This is the first demonstration of an orally available drug to rapidly block SARS-CoV-2 transmission"
Ancient migration was choice, not chance
Paleolithic people likely colonized the Ryukyu Islands intentionally
New study debunks blood type diet
ABO blood types benefit similarly from plant-based diet, according to research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Here’s what happens when a bee stings you directly in your eyeball
You think 2020 is pretty horrible, but it could always be worse.
Research inspired by COVID-19: 'COVID toes' likely a sign of successful viral response
This may be because patients develop COVID toes as a delayed response after the virus is no longer detectable
"Havana syndrome" among U.S. diplomats in China and Cuba likely caused by microwave energy
Radio frequency energy of radiation that includes microwaves likely caused American diplomats in China and Cuba to fall ill

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