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Behind the dead-water phenomenon
What makes ships mysteriously slow down or even stop as they travel, even though their engines are working properly?
Scientists scoff at Indian agency's plan to have COVID-19 vaccine ready for use next month
Two Indian companies have received the green light to start human trials of their candidate vaccines.
Using Epo against Covid-19
The doping agent erythropoietin could attenuate severe progression of COVID-19
Scientists Discover Extremely Tiny Dinosaur Ancestor in Madagascar
Its name was Kongonaphon kely, which means 'tiny bug slayer', and it was about the size of a coffee cup. But big things lay ahead for this little creature. Very big things indeed.
Coronavirus: Spanish study casts doubt on herd immunity feasibility
A Spanish study has cast doubt on the feasibility of herd immunity as a way of tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
Ancient voyage carried Native Americans’ DNA to remote Pacific islands
Finding that some Polynesians have genetic ancestry from South America supports long-held theory that ancient populations met and produced offspring.
Milking algae mechanically: Progress to succeed petroleum derived chemicals
Algae holds a lot of untapped potential for use in industry.
HIV Patient Reportedly Becomes 'First in Remission' Without a Transplant
May be first patient effectively cured of the illness without needing a bone marrow transplant
From floating guts to 'sticky' blood – here's how to do surgery in space
It has been estimated that there will be one surgical emergency every 2.4 years on a mission to Mars.
Baby raptor discovered in Alaska may have been a permanent resident of the ancient Arctic
Paleontologists may have identified a new species of dinosaur that lived, mated and nested in the Arctic 70 million years ago.
Supergenes play a larger role in evolution than previously thought
Massive blocks of genes-inherited together 'plug and play' style-may play a larger role in evolutionary adaption than previously thought, according to new research in Nature.
Comet NEOWISE Could Be Spectacular: Here's How to See It
Already visible to the naked eye, the object may soon brighten to create the greatest celestial light show in decades-or it could simply fade away
COVID-19 and blood type: What's the link?
Scientists are finding evidence that blood type may be a risk factor for COVID-19. In one study, people with Type A blood were more likely to be hospitalized for the disease.
120,000-year-old necklace tells of the origin of string
String may have been invented between 160,000 and 120,000 years ago.
Study shows that aerosol box used to protect healthcare workers during COVID can actually increase exposure to airborne particles
And thus casts doubt on their usefulness
A plasma shot could prevent coronavirus. But feds and makers won't act, scientists say
It might be the next best thing to a coronavirus vaccine.
A new coronavirus mutation is taking over the world. Here's what that means.
A mutation in the protein that allows SARS-CoV-2 to enter cells might make it easier for the virus to spread - or it might not make a difference at all.
Deadly 'unknown pneumonia' outbreak in Kazakhstan is probably undiagnosed COVID-19
A Chinese embassy warned of a new and deadly pneumonia. But these cases are likely undiagnosed COVID-19 infections, according to WHO.
A new malaria vaccine made from the rodent malaria parasite is effective in humans
It reduced parasite load in clinical trial volunteers by 95%
Scientists Create a 'Time Tree' Showing How Flowering Plants Came to Dominate Earth
Biologists have been able to chart the rise of angiosperms over the last 140 million years.
1 in 3 young adults may face severe COVID-19, UCSF study shows
Smoking habits trump asthma, obesity in risk factors for otherwise healthy population
Wriggling Roundworm Found in Woman's Tonsil After She Ate Sashimi
Eating raw meat of any kind carries with it a risk of parasites, but few are as well-known as those found in sashimi.

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