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Common anti-inflammatory may increase risk of diabetes
A commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory may increase the risk of diabetes after just one week of treatment
Hurricanes have become bigger and more destructive for USA; new study from the Niels Bohr Institute
The worst of them are more than 3 times as frequent now than 100 years ago
New catalyst efficiently produces hydrogen from seawater
More than 80% effective in protecting mice from S. aureus infection
Anticoagulant benefits for atrial fibrillation decrease with age
Typical patient may not benefit after age 87, UCSF-led study finds
Contraceptive drug shows promise for preventing and regressing cervical cancer
Findings reported in The American Journal of Pathology suggest medroxyprogesterone acetate as a new affordable non-invasive approach to combat cervical cancer, particularly for women with limited access to healthcare
Humans' ability to read dog facial expressions is learned, not innate
Ability to recognize dogs' expressions is learned through age and experience and is not an evolutionary adaptation.
First evidence of feathered polar dinosaurs found in Australia
A cache of 118 million-year-old fossilized dinosaur and bird feathers has been recovered from an ancient lake deposit that once lay beyond the southern polar circle.
New Martian Mystery: Oxygen
On Mars, oxygen behaves in a way that so far planetary scientists cannot explain through any known atmospheric or surface process.
The world finally has an approved vaccine against Ebola
The WHO wasted no time to "prequalifying" the newly approved vaccine.
The smart move: People learn more by trusting than by not trusting
Experiences lead us to believe that people are too trusting, often verging on gullibility. In fact, we don't trust enough.
Scientists Find a Spot Where No Life Can Survive. That's Bad News for Alien Hunters.
Some hydrothermal pools seem to be completely devoid of life, according to a new study
Extinct giant ape directly linked to the living orangutan
Protein sequencing retrieves ancient genetic information from primates living in subtropics almost two million years ago
Plants might be helping each other more than thought
In harsh environments mature plants help smaller ones - and
Hair-raising truth behind pigeons' lost toes
Next time you visit your hairdresser spare a thought for the pigeons.
Watch Spinal Fluid 'Wash' the Sleeping Brain in Rhythmic, Pulsing Waves
What happens to your brain as you sleep? A new video holds the answer: A juicy mix of blood and cerebrospinal fluid slosh through your smushy noggin in a rhythmic pulsating dance.
These Two Drug-Resistant Microbes Are New 'Urgent Threats' to Americans' Health
A new report reveals that drug-resistant germs infect and kill more people than previous estimates suggested.
If Dr Google's making you sick with worry, there's help
It's a busy day at the office and your left eye has been twitching uncontrollably. So, out of curiosity and irritation you Google it.
Man's 'Glowing' Iris Was a Sign of Rare Eye Syndrome
The man's eye exam showed something odd.
Link between hearing and cognition begins earlier than once thought
A new study found lower levels of cognitive function even in people whose hearing was slightly impaired from age but was still considered "normal."
New study casts doubt on China's organ donation data
The Chinese government may have been systematically misreporting the number of organs it claims it has voluntarily collected since 2010, according to new research published in BMC Medical Ethics.
Researchers block metastasis-promoting enzyme, halt spread of breast cancer
Findings in mice point to new approach that may help make some metastatic breast cancers susceptible to immunotherapy
Star Ejected from Milky Way's 'Heart of Darkness' Reaches Mind-Blowing Speed
"It is a visitor from a strange land."
Dinosaur-Era Bird Preserved in 3D Could Rewrite History of Flight
The fossil dates to 120 million years ago.
How likely do you think you are to develop dementia?
Bottom Line: A poll suggests almost half of adults ages 50 to 64 believe they're likely to develop dementia.
Ketogenic diet helps tame flu virus
A high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet like the Keto regimen has its fans, but influenza apparently isn't one of them.
Here’s a better way to convert dog years to human years, scientists say
Researchers say they have a new formula to convert dog years to human years-one with some actual science behind it
Family History Is Never 'Noncontributory'
Family has a lot of meaning for me because family and illness in the family are the reasons I studied medicine
How Narwhal the Rescue Puppy May Have Grown a Tail on His Head
The likeliest explanation is not all that cute, some scientists say. But Narwhal is still very cute.
Egyptian Vats 5,600 Years Old Were For Beer Brewing
Archaeologists working in the ancient city of Hierakonpolis discovered five ceramic vats containing residues consistent with brewing beer.
Climate Change Is Going to Supercharge Waves
We know about sea level rise, but new research shows that in some places waves will get bigger and stronger, too.

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