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AI face-scanning app spots signs of rare genetic disorders
Deep-learning algorithm helps to diagnose conditions that aren't readily apparent to doctors or researchers.
Rising drug prices linked to older products, not just newer, better medications
New drugs entering the market drive up prices, but drug companies are also hiking prices on older drugs
Dog breeds really do have distinct personalities―and they’re rooted in DNA
Most comprehensive study shows that distinct breed traits are actually rooted in a dog's genes
Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Triggered Mile-High Tsunami That Spread Through Earth's Oceans
Tsunami caused chaos throughout the world's oceans
“Scary” reality: Meds tainted with germs, glass, carcinogens, mystery particles
"Our drug quality is probably not what we think it is."
'Distressing' Trend: Cervical Cancer Increasing in Japan
In contrast with the trend seen in most other developed countries, cervical cancer is on the rise among young women in Japan.
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Drug can boost long-term memory of objects
How common pain relievers may promote Clostridium difficile infections
Observational studies have identified a link between severe C. difficile infections and use of NSAIDs
No evidence to support a formal health claim for cocoa, researchers find
A review of recent studies into flavanols and blood pressure reveals inconsistent outcomes.
A Decidedly Darker Prognosis for Takotsubo Syndrome
Takotsubo syndrome (TS) has been considered a transient benign disorder, but mounting evidence of a darker long-term prognosis is reshaping that belief.
Stem cells used to trace autism back to the formation of neurons
Gene-activity changes come before any visible differences in neurons.
Earth’s magnetic field is acting up and geologists don’t know why
Erratic motion of north magnetic pole forces experts to update model that aids global navigation.
Two-thirds of stroke survivors are in exceptionally good mental health
Study identifies factors associated with resiliency among stroke survivors
Thousands of stars turning into crystals
The first direct evidence of white dwarf stars solidifying into crystals has been discovered by astronomers at the University of Warwick, and our skies are filled with them
Cheap common drugs may help mental illness
Cheap and widely used drugs for diabetes and heart health have potential for treating severe mental illness, a study hints.
The molecule that helps exercise protect the brain from Alzheimer’s
Gives the phrase "muscle memory" a whole new meaning.
The science is clear: with HIV, undetectable equals untransmittable
NIH officials discuss scientific evidence and principles underlying the U=U concept
Experimental antibody 'cocktail' protects animals from three deadly Ebola viruses
Scientists from academia, industry, and government have developed a combination of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that protected animals from all three Ebola viruses known to cause human disease.
UMN Medical School Researchers discover how to treat diastolic heart failure
Research shows magnesium improves a form of heart failure previously without treatment
Woman with Rare Condition Couldn’t Hear Male Voices
May seem enviable but could carry serious repercussions
Choline: Vitamin-Like Nutrient May Help Protect against Alzheimer’s Disease
Offspring of mice given high choline in their diet show improvements in spatial memory

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