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The Overwhelming Safety of the HPV Vaccine
Misinformation Keeps Vaccination Rates Low
UNM study shows medical cannabis effective in treating a wide range of health conditions
Researchers use mobile app to identify and track symptom relief
Study reveals 'dark motives' behind brain teaser questions in job interviews
Brain teaser questions may be used because they give the interviewers power
Study links widely used drug azathioprine to skin cancers
Study published in Nature Communications
Neuroscientists Find 'Bravery Neurons' in Hippocampus
An international group of neuroscientists from Sweden and Brazil has found that some cells in a brain area called hippocampus play a key role in risk-taking behavior and anxiety.
Renowned Cancer Expert Fails to Disclose Millions From Industry
Did not disclose financial ties in dozens of research articles published in prestigious journals
Scientists develop new drug treatment for TB
Scientists at The University of Manchester have developed the first non-antibiotic drug to successfully treat tuberculosis in animals.
A model to predict and quantify racism, sexism, and other unequal treatment
UC Berkeley Haas researchers show direct connection between stereotypes and unequal treatment
UBC breakthrough opens door to $100 ultrasound machine
New ultrasound transducer could dramatically lower the cost of ultrasound scanners
A single gene mutation may have helped humans become optimal long-distance runners
In novel study, mice engineered to lack the same gene run stronger, longer and with less fatigue.
Overlapping copy number variations underlie autism and schizophrenia in Japanese patients
Common genetic variants may underlie autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia across human populations
UCalgary researchers discover critical differences in the clots that cause a stroke
Findings will help inform physicians which treatment will work best for patients
New Smartphone App Accurately Measures Blood Pressure from Fingertip
A team of researchers at Michigan State University has developed an iPhone X app that measures blood pressure via the 'oscillometric finger pressing method.'
Parrots Think They're So Smart. Now They're Bartering Tokens for Food.
VA test of four different species shows they can accurately assign value to food and tokens, swapping lower value items for higher value food.
Seeking Human Generosity's Origins in an Ape's Gift to Another Ape
Studying the behavior of our closest living relatives may help scientists better understand the human impulse for generosity.
Caffeine consumption may extend life expectancy for people with kidney disease
Consuming more caffeine may help reduce the risk of death for people with chronic kidney disease
The Closest Exoplanet to Earth Could Be 'Highly Habitable'
Proxima Centauri b can sustain enormous areas of liquid water on its surface, raising prospects for life
Medical, Recreational Marijuana Should Be Legal, Most Clinicians Say
Most respondents said medical and recreational marijuana should be legalized in the U.S.
Water in small dust grains can explain large amounts of water on Earth
Water trapped in dust grains from which the Earth formed can explain the current large amount of water on Earth.
New evidence supports the hypothesis that beer may have been motivation to cultivate cereals
Stanford University archaeologists are turning the history of beer on its head.
Sugar pills relieve pain for chronic pain patients
Placebo benefits can be predicted by brain anatomy and psychological traits
The earliest known drawing in history sends a message through 73,000 years
Cross-hatched crayon on a rock shard suggests early humans indulged in abstract art.
As massive Zika vaccine trial struggles, researchers revive plan to intentionally infect humans
Cases of Zika are so low it may be impossible to tell whether the vaccine works
Busting the myths around sex virus HPV
High levels of shame and ignorance are associated with HPV, the sexually-transmitted virus which affects 80% of people, a survey has discovered.
Engineered natural killer cells may be the next great cancer immunotherapy
Clinical trials of natural killer cells and macrophages equipped with cancer-homing receptor
Plants communicate distress using their own kind of nervous system
Plants may lack brains, but they have a nervous system, of sorts.
Cladding tests show moisture may have sped up Grenfell flames
Tests on aluminium cladding panels have shown that water may have caused violent chemical reactions and accelerated flames
DIY Artificial Pancreas Users Tweet it 'Changes Lives'
A patient-driven, do-it-yourself, open-source artificial pancreas system (OpenAPS) appears to safely improve glycemic control and quality of life among patients with type 1 diabetes, at least according to information gathered from Twitter.
Bacteria in a Dinosaur Bone Reignite a Heated Debate
The discovery of modern microbes in a deeply buried fossil has complicated an already tangled dispute in paleontology.
Study: Infants Use Same Gestures as Chimpanzees
Children used gestures to communicate, many of which are shared with chimpanzees."
Repeat vaccination is safe for most kids with mild to moderate reactions
Children who experience some type of adverse event following initial immunization have a low rate of recurrent reactions to subsequent vaccinations
Inhaled steroids may increase risk of nontuberculous mycobacteria lung infections
NTM come in many different species and are widely dispersed in the environment
Art conservation using saliva wins chemistry Ig Nobel
This year's chemistry Ig Nobel prize has been awarded to three Portuguese conservation scientists who showed that human saliva is a good cleaning agent for paintings and historical artefacts.
Cancer Spreads from Organ Donor to 4 People in 'Extraordinary' Case
It's well known that organ transplants can pass infectious diseases from donors to recipients in rare cases. But even more rarely, transplants can transmit cancer, as a new case shows.
'Aspirin-a-day risky in old age' - major study
Elderly people in good health should not take an aspirin a day, according to a major study in the US and Australia.
For Elderly Women With Breast Cancer, Surgery May Not Be the Best Option
Nursing home patients may be frail or have other diseases, leading some doctors to advise hormone therapy rather than operations.
Household cleaning products may contribute to kids' overweight by altering their gut microbiota
Common household cleaners may altering children's gut microbiota and make them overweight

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