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Teenager's cowpox diagnosis surprises doctors
A 15-year-old boy has surprised doctors by contracting cowpox, a historical disease now so rare it has not been seen in Wales for more than a decade.
HPV vaccine cuts cancer-causing infection
There has been a significant fall in the number of cases of HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer, following the introduction of a vaccine for young women, a new study says.
Weird Low-Light Bacteria Could Potentially Thrive on Mars
The photosynthetic organisms subsist on redder, lower-energy light than other species, and could be a new source of fuel and air for interplanetary outposts
'Dumpling-shaped' space rock comes into view
A Japanese spacecraft is sending back images as it approaches an irregularly shaped asteroid that some on the mission have compared to a dumpling.
A molecular signature for social isolation identified in the brain
Extended social isolation causes debilitating effects in social mammals such as humans. A study in mice shows that the gene Tac2 is upregulated throughout the brains of socially isolated animals, driving massive behavioural changes.
New material for splitting water
A promising new material has the right properties to capture solar energy and split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Study suggests well-known growth suppressor actually fuels lethal brain cancers
Research points to potential treatment target that lacks a workable drug
Hunting molecules to find new planets
An international team of astronomers led by UNIGE makes planets visible by detecting molecules on their surface.
Why being left-handed matters for mental health treatment
Treatment for the most common mental health problems could be ineffective or even detrimental to about 50 percent of the population, according to a radical new model of emotion in the brain.
Combining different malaria vaccines could reduce cases by 91 percent
Using two experimental anti-malarial vaccines, which work in different ways, can greatly reduce the number of malaria infections in animal studies.
D for danger! Speech sounds convey emotions
An analysis of 37,000 words in five languages, conducted by Bocconi's Zachary Estes and colleagues, shows that single sounds, especially at the beginning of the word (e.g. the d sound in dog), can signal emotions beyond the word's meaning alone
Stop looking for ET: modelling suggests we’re alone in the universe
Oxford University researchers run the numbers and conclude intelligent life beyond Earth is highly unlikely.
Dogs understand what's written all over your face
New research shows that dogs use different parts of their brains to process negative and positive emotions cued by human facial expressions
No, asylum seekers are not a 'burden' for European economies
Does the arrival of asylum seekers lead to a deterioration in the economic performance and public finances of the European countries that host them?
Forgetting may help improve memory and learning
Research suggests that forgetting plays a positive role in learning
Selfies show worm slithered through woman’s face for 2 weeks
After doctors yanked the worm out, she made a full recovery.
Key molecule of aging discovered
Discovery of a protein that represents a central switching point in the aging process
Around the world, people have surprisingly modest notions of the 'ideal' life
People's sense of perfection is surprisingly modest
Praying With Patients: Clinicians Debate
Should physicians pray with their patients? A recent article on Medscape posed this question to healthcare professionals. The responses ranged from the spiritual to the practical and the satirical.
'Walking molecules" haul away damaged DNA to the cell's emergency room
The cell has its own paramedic team and emergency room to aid and repair damaged DNA, a new USC Dornsife study reveals.
5 Types of Diabetes: Can New Analysis Make Care Easier?
Continuing our series, Everyday Diabetes: Practical Management for Primary Care
A Common Virus May Play Role in Alzheimer’s Disease, Study Finds
It has long been a controversial theory about Alzheimer's disease, often dismissed by experts as a sketchy cul-de-sac off the beaten path from mainstream research.
Psychiatric disorders share an underlying genetic basis
Psychiatric disorders may have important molecular similarities that are not reflected in current diagnostic categories
Research team discovers drug compound that stops cancer cells from spreading
Via a mouse model, OHSU physician-scientists lead effort to hone a drug that inhibits cancer cells from spreading to other areas in the body
The 'Keystone Virus' Had Never Been Seen in People, Until a Florida Teen Caught It
There's a new mosquito-borne virus to be wary of - or at least new to those of us who don't study such viruses.
Scientists discover how antiviral gene works
Finding could form the basis for potent new drugs

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