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Killer robot threat must be faced, say experts
116 founders of AI and robotics companies have called on the UN to ban lethal autonomous weapons, writes Michael Lucy.
Licorice is a hot trend in hot flashes, but could interact with medications
Scientists caution that licorice could pose a health risk by interacting with medications
Antarctic salt-loving microbes provide insights into evolution of viruses
UNSW Sydney scientists studying microbes from some of the saltiest lakes in Antarctica have discovered a new way that the microbes can share DNA that could help them grow and survive.
Have flowers devised the ultimate weapon of distraction?
Nectar not just a 'come on' to bees, it's a honeytrap
Newly developed nomograms provide accurate predictions for patients with oropharyngeal cancer
Nomograms provide accurate prediction of overall survival and progression-free survival for patients with oropharyngeal cancer
80 percent of Ebola survivors suffer disabilities one year after discharge
Almost 80% of those interviewed were found to have major limitations
Study: Clear link between heavy vitamin B intake and lung cancer
Long-term use of high-dose supplements more than triple risk in male smokers
A potential breeding site of a Miocene era baleen whale
Researcher identifies evidence of a calf whale from the Miocene of Hiroshima, Japan suggesting the earliest known site for baleen whale breeding in the northern hemisphere
Dogma overturned: New studies into inflammation in the infarcted heart could lead to changes in therapy
The results are published in 2 independent articles in the leading journals Circulation and Circulation Research
Leaping Lizards! Live Gecko Found Inside a Man's Ear
Talk about an earache: When a man in China went to the hospital because of severe ear pain, doctors found a live gecko curled up in his ear canal, according to news reports.
Shedding old cells rejuvenates the brittle bones of ageing mice
New osteoporosis drugs that kill off senescent cells and rebuild bone may be a few years away. Ella Finkel reports.
Mosquitoes fatally attracted to deadly, sweet-smelling potion
Mosquitoes aren't just blood thirsty. They also have a sweet tooth, relying on plant nectar to get the sugar they need to survive.
More than 99 percent of the microbes inside us are unknown to science
New survey suggests our bodies contain vastly more diverse microbes than previously understood
Less REM sleep tied to greater risk of dementia
People who get less rapid eye movement (REM) sleep may have a greater risk of developing dementia
Death rates from rheumatic heart disease falling since 1990
But persistent disease remains in the world's poorest regions
Antioxidant/zinc supplement cost saving and effective for degenerative eye disease
NHS should fund this for people with 'wet' age-related macular degeneration, say researchers
Researchers link high levels of 'good' cholesterol with excessive mortality
The good cholesterol might not be as good as we think
Exercise in a Pill? Scientists Move One Step Closer
What if you could reap the benefits of exercise without moving a muscle?
Scientists develop modern Medical Terms to enhance precise Chinese Medicine
Applications of the Twenty-four Solar Terms lie in TCM and agriculture
Leprosy turns the immune system against itself, study finds
Leprosy turns a repair mechanism into one causing irreparable damage to nerve cells
New dinosaur discovery suggests new species roosted together like modern birds
New remains suggest an entirely unknown behavior for bird-like dinosaurs about 70 million years ago
HKBU clinical observation finds efficacy rate of over 70 percent in Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure
Type of Chinese medicine treatment is effective in improving the clinical symptoms of CRF patients and helps postpone the deterioration of renal function
Physical activity in midlife not linked to cognitive fitness in later years, long-term study shows
Activity in later life improved short-term cognitive fitness
Sine o' the Times: Babylonian Tablet Holds Oldest Evidence of Trigonometry
Scientists recently decoded a clay tablet from ancient Babylonia that dates to around 3,700 years ago, and found that it contains the oldest trigonometric table in the world.
Seizures, Vomiting, Fear of Dying: The Threat of Hypoglycemia
Patients With Diabetes Explain How They Experience Hypoglycemia
Monkeys can see faces in inanimate things, just like us
Have you ever seen the Virgin Mary in your grilled cheese? Or a screaming face inside a bell pepper?
The pancreas provides a potential drug candidate for brain disease
Fibroblast growth factor 21 promotes remyelination in mice and may be a promising key molecule for treating demyelinating diseases
Dancing can reverse the signs of aging in the brain
A comparison of 2 different fitness routines shows that both can have an anti-aging effect on the brain in the elderly, but only dancing gives rise to a measurable difference in behavior
Stem cell treatment for children with spina bifida helps dogs first
English bulldog puppies are first patients successfully treated with a combination of surgery and stem cells to help preserve lower-limb function in children with spina bifida
Underweight associated with highest mortality and costs after cardiac catheterisation
Being underweight, and not overweight, has highest mortality, cost for those undergoing cardiac catheterisation
90-million-year-old tooth unearthed in Kyushu, may provide clues on mammal evolution in Asia
Fossilized tooth of an extinct mammal unearthed in central Kyushu dates back about 90 million years
Studies reveal how shingles vaccine should be used in arthritis patients
Live vaccine elicits robust immune responses in patients when administered several weeks prior to treatment with tofacitinib
Vaccine for Meningitis Shows Some Protection Against Gonorrhea
Scientists have not been able to develop a vaccine against the sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea, despite working toward one for more than 100 years.

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