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Can pure maple syrup help reduce chronic inflammation?
First-ever global symposium convenes to review latest science on natural sweetener
Researcher creates chemical system that mimics early cell behavior
Artificial "proto-cells" grow, replicate, react to light, and even exhibit signs of natural selection
Meningitis bacteria adapting to STI niche, genetic analysis shows
Acquisition of DNA from relatives that cause gonorrhea
Monkey business produces rare preserved blood in amber fossils
First fossilized red blood cells from a mammal, preserved so perfectly they appear to have been prepared for display
Gallbladder removal is common -- but is it necessary?
Seventy percent of patients who kept their gallbladders despite biliary pancreatitis had no recurrence 4 years later
Hormones are behind hernias of the groin in elderly men, study suggests
Altered sex hormone levels that weaken and scar muscle tissue in the lower abdomen
New archaeological evidence throws light on efforts to resist 'the living dead'
Villagers believed it would stop the corpses rising from their graves
Chemicals that cure malaria can kill weeds too
Many antimalarial drugs are effective herbicides
Brain cancer patients live longer wearing electric cap designed to zap tumors
After decade of stalled treatment improvements, cap is a modest, pricey step forward.
Quickly assessing brain bleeding in head injuries using new device
Commercially available hand-held EEG device and accurately rules out whether a person with a head injury likely has brain bleeding
Skeletons developed as chemistry of oceans changed, study shows
Skeletons and shells first came into being 550 million years ago as the chemical make-up of seawater changed, a study suggests.
Google uses neural networks to translate without transcribing
Google's latest take on machine translation could make it easier for people to communicate with those speaking a different language, by translating speech directly into text in a language they understand.
MERS-like coronavirus identified in Ugandan bat
Novel coronavirus in a bat from Uganda that is similar to the one causing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in humans
Discovery of 'mini-brains' could change understanding of pain medication
The human body's peripheral nervous system could be capable of interpreting its environment and modulating pain, neuroscientists have established, after successfully studying how rodents reacted to stimulation.
Pre-existing immunity to dengue and West Nile may cause increased risk in Zika-infected
Zika may pose a particular risk to people previously infected with two related viruses
About 10% of Pregnant Women with Zika Had Babies with Birth Defects
5-10% of pregnant women in the U.S. contracting Zika had babies with birth defects related to the virus
A new idea connects the synthesis of clays and the origin of metabolism
Connection between ZnS prebiotic photosynthesis and clay replication has now been established
Vaccine credited with HPV virus reduction in Scotland
A campaign to vaccinate girls against a cancer-causing sexually transmitted infection has led to a dramatic drop in reported cases.
Raccoon dog is a more acute risk than raccoon as vector for local parasites
Compared to the raccoon, the raccoon dogs are more closely related to foxes and thus the more emerging threat as an additional vector
New study sheds light on 'lung sparing effect'
'Lung sparing effect' may protect lung function at the expense of other growth in malnourished children
Cannibal Calories: Early Humans Likely Didn't Eat Each Other for Nutrition
Unlikely ancient hominins cannibalized each other as an easy alternative to going out and hunting
Salk scientists expand ability of stem cells to regrow any tissue type
Chemical cocktail enables cultured mouse and human stem cells to generate both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues
Low ammonium levels in urine may indicate serious risks for kidney disease patients
In patients with chronic kidney disease, low urine ammonium excretion identified individuals at high risk of kidney disease progression or death.
How a Fitness Tracker Spotted a Woman's Life-Threatening Condition
A Connecticut woman is crediting her Fitbit with saving her life, after the device detected signs of life-threatening blood clots.
Why did we see 'the dress' differently? The answer lies in the shadows, new research finds
When "the dress" went viral in 2015, millions were divided on its true colors: gold and white or black and blue?
Concern growing for brain-invading worms, spread by slugs and rats
Rat lungworm has been around for decades, but uptick has health officials worried.
Rules of memory 'beautifully' rewritten
What really happens when we make and store memories has been unravelled in a discovery that surprised even the scientists who made it.
Mars is so small because Jupiter shook up its formation
Mars can blame Jupiter for its small stature.
Grey hair linked with increased heart disease risk in men
Grey hair has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease in men, in research presented today at EuroPrevent 2017.1

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