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How fasting helps fight fatty liver disease
Upon fasting a certain protein is produced that adjusts the metabolism in the liver
Human nature: Behavioral economists create model of our desire to make sense of it all
'We are 'informavores' as much as we are omnivores,' CMU's George Loewenstein says
Pesticide exposure linked to increased risk of ALS
Cumulative pesticide exposure associated with increased risk of ALS
A yellow fever epidemic: A new global health emergency?
Mounting evidence that the current outbreak of yellow fever is becoming the latest global health emergency
Placental RNA may help protect embryo from viruses, Penn study finds
The human placenta is an organ unlike any other. During the course of nine months it is formed by the embryo, sustains life and then is shed.
Strange Seaweed Rewrites the History of Green Plants
An ancient alga developed large size and complex structure independently of other plants
Intravenous ketamine may rapidly reduce suicidal thinking in depressed patients
Repeat ketamine infusions decreased -- and for some, eliminated -- suicidal thoughts in outpatients with treatment-resistant depression
Researchers discover first safe way to deliver drugs to the placenta
Method to selectively deliver drugs to a pregnant woman's placenta without harming the foetus
Kepler Finds 1,284 New Exoplanets
Planets keep falling out of the sky for the Kepler spacecraft. And as their number grows, so grows the age-old dream of ending human cosmic loneliness.
Common antacid linked to accelerated vascular aging
Research supports observations of increased risk for heart disease, dementia and kidney disease
Archaeologists find world's oldest axe in Australia
Archaeologists from the Australian National University have unearthed fragments from the edge of the world's oldest-known axe, found in the Kimberley region of Western Australia
New study: Has HDL, the 'good' cholesterol, been hyped?
New study shows for the first time that HDL's protection depends on the levels of two other blood lipids
Silk stabilizes blood samples for months at high temperatures
New technology could improve clinical care & research for underserved groups
Increase seen in the BMI associated with lowest risk of death
BMI value associated with the lowest all-cause mortality increased over the past decades
How ‘fatigue amnesia’ makes some doctors so tired they can’t remember saving patients’ lives
Fatigued doctors lose all memory of providing medical care within hours of scrubbing out.
Cosmic dust reveals Earth's ancient atmosphere
Using the oldest fossil micrometeorites - space dust - ever found, Monash University-led research has made a surprising discovery about the chemistry of Earth's atmosphere 2.7 billion years ago.
Too much folate in pregnant women increases risk for autism, study suggests
Researchers say that while folate deficiency is bad for developing fetus, excessive amounts could also be harmful
Hay fever's hidden supporting substances
Non-allergenic substances in pollen heighten the immune response
World War Zero brought down mystery civilisation of ‘sea people’
The Trojan War was a grander event than even Homer would have us believe.
An Old Idea, Revived: Starve Cancer to Death
In the early 20th century, the German biochemist Otto Warburg believed that tumors could be treated by disrupting their source of energy. His idea was dismissed for decades ― until now.
It's Time to Retire Premed
The existing system of premedical education is broken, and needs to be fixed
Should Parents Be Allowed to Withhold Lifesaving Treatment?
What should be done for children whose parents reject the idea of providing them with potentially life-saving medical treatment?
Building blocks of life’s first self-replicator recreated in lab
One of the hardest steps in the origin of life on Earth may be easier than chemists thought.
Students are using 'smart' spy technology to cheat in exams
Students are using smart technology to try to beat the exam system.
Vinegar and Diabetes: Dos and Don'ts
Question: What should patients know before taking vinegar to help lower their blood sugar levels?
Scientists Talk Privately About Creating a Synthetic Human Genome
Scientists are now contemplating the fabrication of a human genome, meaning they would use chemicals to manufacture all the DNA contained in human chromosomes.
Would we want to regenerate brains of patients who are clinically dead?
A trial to see if it is possible to regenerate the brains of patients who have been declared clinically dead has been approved.
April was the warmest month ever recorded on Earth: NASA
Another month, another new record ― for rising temperatures.

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