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African wildlife: What it looked like 1000 years ago and why this is important
A team of local scientists have wound back the clock by 1000 years to reconstruct wildlife populations across Africa to help us better understand how they have shaped the world we live in.
Microbiologists discover enigmatic comammox microbes
New chapter in environmental microbiology
Good medicine left on the shelf?
A controversial new paper by James Cook University scientist claims many useful new treatments are being left on the shelf by medical researchers.
Even the elderly can recover from a severe traumatic brain injury
Even patients over the age of 75 may recover from severe traumatic brain injury
Researchers find new phase of carbon, make diamond at room temperature
Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered a new phase of solid carbon, called Q-carbon, which is distinct from the known phases of graphite and diamond.
DNA repair factor linked to breast cancer may also play a role in Alzheimer's disease
NIH-funded research suggests deficient DNA repair may lead to dementia
Scientists offer sweet solution to marathon fatigue
It turns out a spoonful of sugar might not just help the medicine go down, but could also help stave off tiredness faced by weary marathon runners - or other long-distance athletes - when they hit the wall.
New study: Air evacuation may do further harm in patients with brain injury
Findings could have major implications for treatment of military injuries
Newly evolved, uniquely human gene variants protect older adults from cognitive decline
Humans evolved unique gene variants that protect older adults from neurodegenerative disease, thus preserving their valuable contributions and delaying dependency
Looking back 3.8 billion years into the root of the 'Tree of Life'
NASA-funded researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are tapping information found in the cells of all life on Earth, and using it to trace life's evolution.
Safe form of estrogen helped multiple sclerosis patients avoid relapses in UCLA led clinical trial
Estriol, taken along with conventional medications, helped patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) avoid relapses
Scans prove there’s no such thing as a ‘male’ or ‘female’ brain
Scans prove there's no such thing as a 'male' or 'female' brain
Chemotherapy can cause tumor evolution
Russian scientists have found that neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer can stimulate evolution of the tumor.
The accidental discovery of how to stay young for longer
Scientists extend young adulthood in worms and discover new metric to track aging
Type 2 diabetes reversed by losing fat from pancreas
A team from Newcastle University, UK, has shown that Type 2 diabetes is caused by fat accumulating in the pancreas -- and that losing less than one gram of that fat through weight loss reverses the diabetes.
Cancer cells can poison normal cells
Like bacteria and viruses, cancer cells have the potential to infect normal cells and promote cancer progression.
New discovery: This is why we do not constantly get ill despite viruses and bacteria
New research breaks with existing knowledge about how our immune system works.
Researchers confirm original blood vessels in 80 million-year-old fossil
Confirmation that blood vessel-like structures in an 80 million-year-old fossil are original to the animal, and not biofilm or other contaminants
Researchers develop antibody to save cancerous bones
Treatment with a specific antibody  reduces up to 80% of bone degradation
The Sun could release flares 1000x greater than previously recorded
University of Warwick researchers suggest the similarity between the flare on KIC9655129 and our own Sun's flares demonstrates the potential for the Sun to superflare
Coffee compounds that could help prevent type 2 diabetes identified
Much to coffee lovers' delight, drinking three to four cups of coffee per day has been shown to decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Genetic mutations differ within a single tumor, study finds
Finding adds complexity to targeted therapies for rectal cancer
Are jetpacks about to finally break into the mainstream?
Jetpacks are back in the news with high-flying stunts and the potential for search and rescue. But we’re not as close to the sci-fi dream as we might think
Gut microbes trigger fat loss in response to cold temperatures
Beneficial health effects of cold exposure are mediated in part by gut microbes
Researchers identify biomarker of early lung cancer that may increase survival
Researchers in Taiwan have identified a biomarker that detects the most common lung cancer in its earliest stage. The discovery could one day change how long lung cancer patients live.
Potential biochemical mechanism underlying long-term memories identified
During the holidays, we often remember the past and create new memories. But, why do some memories fade away while others last forever?
Genetic link between heart and neurodevelopmental disease
Researchers show that children with both congenital heart disease and neurodevelopmental delays share certain genetic mutations
Global toll of injuries down by almost a third since 1990
'World is becoming a safer place to live in,' say researchers
Physician Burnout: A Personal Story
Burnout is not some psychological abnormality too embarrassing to speak about in public
Here’s What Happens When You Age Whisky
Hint: The barrel really does matter
Ocean toxicity hampered the rapid evolution of complex life
By examining rocks at the bottom of ancient oceans, an international group of researchers have revealed that arsenic concentrations in the oceans have varied greatly over time.
Asteroid probe conducts 'Earth swing-by' in space quest
Asteroid probe conducts 'Earth swing-by' in space quest
Japan Orbiter Seeks Second Shot at Venus
Five years after a failed insertion into planet's orbit, Akatsuki tries again.
Certain herpes viruses can infect human neurons
Research suggests viral infection could underlie some symptoms of brain disorders
New Horizons: Sharpest images of Pluto's surface
The New Horizons probe has at last returned some of the super-sharp pictures it took of Pluto during its historic flyby in July.
Clinical trial results show new drug is better for CLL patients
Older adults with chronic lymphocytic leukemia may have an alternative to toxic chemotherapy as their first treatment
Penis Transplants Being Planned to Help Wounded Troops
Within a year, maybe in just a few months, a young soldier with a horrific injury from a bomb blast in Afghanistan will have an operation that has never been performed in the United States: a penis transplant.
Men have better sense of direction than women
Different approaches to the same navigational tasks underscore sex-linked differences
Diabetics with foot complications have impaired cognitive function -- Ben-Gurion University study
Patients with this diabetes also have significantly impaired cognitive function

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