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Millions of modern men found to be descendants of 11 Asian dynastic leaders
University of Leicester researchers discover that many modern men have genetic links to ancient figures such as Genghis Khan
Understanding of cell enzyme flipped on its head
Certain molecules thought to promote cancer growth, in fact suppress tumours
Traffic light food labels strengthen self-control
Researchers at the University of Bonn decode the interaction of brain regions involved in purchase decisions
Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Ever Topple?
Imperceptible changes are occurring, but no worries, a collapse is not in the forecast
The climate is starting to change faster
The speed with which temperatures change will continue to increase over the next several decades, intensifying the impacts of climate change
'Ouch zone' in the brain identified
Activity in brain area linked to brain intensity
Surprising finding provides more support for Alzheimer's being an autoimmune disease
Brain levels of the lipid ceramide are high in Alzheimer's disease, and now scientists have found increased levels of an antibody to the lipid in their disease model.
Most information in drug development is lost
Stalled drug trials provide information that needs to be shared
A real eye-opener: Narcolepsy bears classic autoimmune hallmarks
Tel Aviv University researcher finds an autoimmune process plays major role in triggering neurological disorder
How blood group O protects against malaria
It has long been known that people with blood type O are protected from dying of severe malaria.
Hand-Wringing Over Bacteria
Q. Does the widespread use of hand sanitizers risk breeding resistant bacteria?
Safety of Herbal Supplements Pulls Prosecutors Together
A group of attorneys general is expected to announce on Tuesday that they are forming a coalition to crack down on fraud and quality control issues in the herbal supplement industry.
MRSA can linger in homes, spreading among its inhabitants
Households can serve as a reservoir for transmitting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Mental Health Experts Seek To Block the Paths To Suicide
Every year, nearly 40,000 Americans kill themselves. The majority are men, and most of them use guns.
Link between autism genes and higher intelligence, study suggests
Genes linked with a greater risk of developing autism may also be associated with higher intelligence, a study suggests.
Can India become the low-cost drug lab of the world?
India has long been known as a country that knows how to reproduce generic versions of patented drugs at lower cost.
Male Serial Killers Are 'Hunters,' Female Serial Killers Are 'Gatherers'
A recent study from Penn State has put together a definitive profile of the average American female serial killer, combing through the 64 "FSKs" who committed their crimes in the US between 1821 and 2008.
Document analysis shows influence of sugar industry on 1971 US National Caries Program
Sugar industry sought to influence the setting of research priorities for the NCP
An injectable UW polymer could keep soldiers, trauma patients from bleeding to death
New injectable polymer strengthens blood clots
One of the Oldest Known Animals Is This Tiny, Ancient Sponge
A new fossil find pushes back the start of the evolution of multicellular animals
Deadly to cancer cells only
A molecular cause for selective effectiveness of parvovirus therapy discovered
New genetic evidence resolves origins of modern Japanese
Was there a single migration event or gradual mixing of cultures that gave rise to modern Japanese?
Urging HPV vaccine for boys could protect more people at same price
Finding willing parents of boys may be easier at this point
Duke University
British Psychological Society report challenges received wisdom about mental illness
21st March 2015 will see the US launch of the British Psychological Society's Division of Clinical Psychology's ground-breaking report 'Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia'.
Rat brains point to lead's role in schizophrenia
Brains of rats exposed to lead show striking similarities with the brains of human schizophrenia patients
Suddenly, It Seems, Water Is Everywhere in Solar System
Oceans trapped under ice appear to be pretty common in the solar system and one of them, on a small moon of Saturn’s, appears to be quite hot.
Discovery demystifies origin of life phenomenon
University of Akron polymer scientist finds that certain amino acids and sugars were simply meant to be in life
Epoch-defining study pinpoints when humans came to dominate planet Earth
The Anthropocene probably began around the year 1610
Saharan 'carpet of tools' is earliest known man-made landscape
It is the equivalent of more than one Great Pyramid of Giza per square kilometre of Africa
Neandertals Turned Eagle Talons into Jewelry 130,000 Years Ago
Talons were part of a single piece of jewelry, possibly a necklace
Repairing the cerebral cortex: It can be done
A team has repaired the adult mouse cerebral cortex with a graft of cortical neurons derived from embryonic stem cells
Liver-sparing operation associated with higher survival rates in cancer patients
New Journal of the American College of Surgeons study shows a surgical approach focused on preserving liver tissue in patients undergoing a liver operation leads to lower mortality, fewer complications
Preventing heart cells from turning to bone
Scientists have discovered why some heart tissue turns into bone, and they may have learned how to stop it
Solving the obstetrical dilemma
Study shows wide hips do not mean less efficient locomotion
Vaccine plan for meningitis rise
Teenagers will soon be vaccinated against deadly meningitis W after a steep rise in the number of cases, Public Health England has announced.
Can the New CV Risk Calculator Work for All?
Risk estimator for cardiovascular disease endorsed by American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association has stirred some controversy
Charles P. Vega, MD, Michael J. Blaha, MD, MPH
First 'successful' penis transplant
The world's first successful penis transplant has been reported by a surgical team in South Africa.
CO2 Pollution Stops Swelling Even as Global Economy Grows
Thanks to China, for the first time in 40 years, CO2 emissions failed to grow along with the global economy
Number of suicides drops by 6.8% to 25,427 in 2014
The number of suicides in Japan fell for the fifth consecutive year in 2014, as deaths related to livelihood and economic problems sharply declined, according to a government survey released on March 12.
Study: Ultrasound Might Be New Weapon Against Alzheimer's
Ultrasound Might Be New Weapon Against Alzheimer's
Folic acid supplementation among adults with hypertension reduces risk of stroke
Combined use of enalapril and folic acid significantly reduced the risk of first stroke
Pioneering surgery 'saves bowels'
Pioneering surgeons have developed a technique to preserve the bowels when removing pre-cancerous growths.
Oncologists reveal reasons for high cost of cancer drugs in the US, recommend solutions
Increasingly high prices for cancer drugs are affecting patient care in the U.S. and the American health care system overall, say the authors of a special article published online in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

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