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Master switch found to stop tumor cell growth by inducing dormancy
Two existing cancer drugs turn on a gene that tells tumor cells to remain inactive
Why We Can Thank Bats for Bedbugs
Scientists have proven through genetics that bats were the first hosts to the pesky parasite before passing them on to ancient humans
Expert panel recommends new sleep durations
National Sleep Foundation completes rigorous study and updates recommended sleep times at each life stage
More evidence that musical training protects the brain
Scientists have found some of the strongest evidence yet that musical training in younger years can prevent the decay in speech listening skills in later life.
Identification of much-needed drug target against MRSA, gram-positive infections
The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance, when infectious bacteria evolve to evade drugs designed to control them, is a pressing public health concern.
Language study offers new twist on mind-body connection
Research from Northeastern professor of psychology Iris Berent and her colleagues finds that spoken language and motor systems are intricately linked -- though not in the way that has been widely believed
A simple intervention can make your brain more receptive to health advice
New research into the effects of self-affirmation
Commonly used antibiotics with diuretic can double risk of sudden death in older patients
Combination of a commonly prescribed antibiotic with a diuretic widely used for heart failure more than doubles the risk of death for older patients
Rivers might constitute just 20 percent of continental water flowing into oceans
Subterranean estuary could outpace rivers in both volume and nutrient content
Which breast cancer patients need lymph nodes removed?
Ultrasound narrows it down, study finds
Review of nonmedicinal interventions for delirium in older patients
Scientists discover organism that hasn't evolved in more than 2 billion years
Research actually provides further support for Darwin, UCLA professor says
These Dolphins Mourn Their Dead
A new study looks into a sad ritual at sea
Dartmouth researchers reprogram tumor's cells to attack itself
Strain of bacteria inserted  into the microenvironment of aggressive ovarian cancer transforms tumor cells from suppression to immunostimulation
There is not a single type of schizophrenia, as thought, but 8 different genetic diseases
Researchers from the universities of Granada and Washington in St Louis break new ground in what could be an important first step towards better diagnosis and treatment of this disease
'Cleaner' protein protects against atherosclerosis
A1M stops the oxidation of blood fats and keeps them in good condition
Giant rodent used incisors like tusks
Largest rodent ever to have lived may have used its front teeth just like an elephant uses its tusks
Stanford study ties immune cells to delayed onset of post-stroke dementia
A single stroke doubles a person's risk of developing dementia over the following decade, even when that person's mental ability is initially unaffected.
Superager brains yield new clues to their remarkable memories
Brains of cognitively elite look distinctly different than their elderly peers
Green light for mission to Jupiter moon Europa
Pack your ice gear – we're going to Europa.
Scientists Discover “Reset” Button for Circadian Rhythm
Could a simple reboot turn exhaustion into a thing of the past?
Recent gut and urinary tract infections may curb risk of rheumatoid arthritis
Recent gut and urinary tract infections may curb the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, suggests research published online in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Paramedics may be first source of treatment for stroke patients, UCLA study finds
Working with paramedics allows IV medications to be administered within 'golden hour'
Drinking green tea before taking supplements may offer protection from toxicity
As high doses of green tea extract supplements for weight loss become more popular, potential liver toxicity becomes a concern.
Rapid and unexpected weight gain after fecal transplant
Patient treated successfully for Clostridium difficile infection with stool from overweight donor rapidly gained weight herself afterwards
Pigeon power
New UI study suggests similarity between how pigeons learn the equivalent of words and the way children do
Scientists predict earth-like planets around most stars
Planetary scientists have calculated that there are hundreds of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy which might support life, by applying a 200 year old idea to the thousands of exoplanets discovered by the Kepler space telescope.
An extra protein gives naked mole rats more power to stop cancer
A protein newly found in the naked mole rat may help explain its unique ability to ward off cancer.
Blood Type Matters for Brain Health
People with AB blood type are at higher risk for age-related cognitive decline
New one-in-two cancer figure sounds scarier than it is
If you were born in the UK, that is the likelihood you'll be diagnosed with cancer at some point
Life-changing implants reveal intricacy on a chip
This inner ear implant could one day help people with dizziness and balance disorders to regain stability.
Ebola Drug Trial Has Encouraging Early Results, and Questions Follow
An Ebola treatment center run by the Alliance for International Medical Action has tested the drug favipiravir.
Neanderthals disappeared from the Iberian Peninsula before than from the rest of Europe
New study shows that Neanderthals could have disappeared from the Iberian Peninsula closer to 45,000 years ago
15-million-year-old mollusk protein found
A team of Carnegie scientists have found "beautifully preserved" 15 million-year-old thin protein sheets in fossil shells from southern Maryland.
Newly Discovered Networks among Different Diseases Reveal Hidden Connections
Enormous databases of medical records have begun to reveal connections among diseases that could provide insights into the biological missteps that make us sick
NIH researchers describe spontaneous cure of rare immune disease
Chromothripsis  may have spontaneously cured the first person to be documented with WHIM syndrome
After merger, chimpanzees learned new grunt for 'apple'
Chimpanzees have special grunts for particular types of foods, and their fellow chimps know exactly what those calls mean.
Seafloor volcano pulses may alter climate
New data show strikingly regular patterns, from weeks to eons
Flu vaccine 'barely effective' against main viral strain
This year's seasonal flu vaccine is barely able to protect people from the main strain of flu being spread in the UK, health officials say.
Radar Makes All Houses Glass
Law enforcement agencies have handheld radar that can “see” through walls via RF signals, raising Fourth Amendment concerns.
Another reason to drink wine: It could help you burn fat
Consuming dark-colored grapes might help people better manage obesity and related metabolic disorders
Does drinking alcohol―even heavily―protect against ALS?
Everyone knows that ALS is a very bad disease, an awareness underscored by the recent Ice Bucket Challenge.
Dogs Give Love, Improve Outcomes in Cancer Study
Emotional and social well-being scores increased when cancer patients interacted with dogs during concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy sessions, a single-group study has shown.
A new dawn: Japan's Akatsuki probe to attempt Venus orbit again
A Japanese space probe launched five years ago will on Dec. 7 try for the second and possibly final time to get into orbit around Venus, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency announced Friday.
What's next in diets: Chili peppers?
Researchers at the University of Wyoming discover that adding capsaicin from chili peppers to a diet can help to prevent weight gain in mice on high-fat diet
Study identifies 8 signs associated with impending death in cancer patients
MD Anderson research may aid physicians' ability to prognosticate, help patients and families make difficult personal, treatment decisions

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