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Protein ID'd as possible universal therapeutic target for many infections, including Ebola
Conditions include Ebola, influenza, hepatitis and brain cancer
American cities are many times brighter than German counterparts
German cities emit several times less light per capita than comparably sized American cities
Thanking customers can reap rewards
A sincere, well-timed "thank you" can reap huge rewards
Yale Study Shows Metformin May be Safe for Patients with Kidney Disease
Diabetes Drug May be Safe for Patients with Kidney Disease
Mars Orbiter Spies Alien Ice 'Spiders'
The Martian surface is covered with a diverse array of landscapes and features, but this is one of the weirdest.
FBI's 2001 Anthrax Attack Probe Was Seriously Flawed
One genetic test had a 43 percent false negative rate, casting doubt on conclusions, says U.S. oversight report
Venus May Have Once Been Awash With CO2 Oceans
Venus may have once possessed strange oceans of carbon dioxide fluid that helped shape the planet's surface, researchers say.
Bats are a possible source of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa
Ebola virus in West Africa may have originated from contact between humans and infected bats
Molecular network identified underlying autism spectrum disorders
Molecular network identified that comprises many of the genes previously shown to contribute to autism spectrum disorders
New study explains how and why lung cancer spreads
Severed protein ties allow lung cancer cells to break loose and spread more easily than other types of cells
Lung cancer metastases may travel through airways to adjacent or distant lung tissue
A new study by researchers in Canada supports the hypothesis that lung cancer, particularly adenocarcinoma, may spread through the airways.
Researchers show neutrinos can deliver not only full-on hits but also 'glancing blows'
In what they call a "weird little corner" of the already weird world of neutrinos, physicists have found evidence that these tiny particles might be involved in a surprising reaction.
Vaporized Metals Could Replace Paint
New lightweight, low-cost coloring technology for both rough and smooth surfaces
Banking Culture Encourages Dishonesty
What is it about the financial sector that encourages bad behavior?
Children with autism who live with pets are more assertive
Dogs, cats and other animals may improve social skills of children with autism
Masculine-sounding lawyers less likely to win in court
Men masculine voices are less likely to win a US Supreme Court case than their more gentle-sounding peers
What Rare Disorder Is Hiding in Your DNA?
As comprehensive genetic tests become more widespread, patients and experts mull how to deal with unexpected findings
How to See This Green Comet With the Naked Eye
The "New Year's Comet" is taking astronomers by storm with an unexpected showing, and it should only get brighter through early January
Nasa to hack 'amnesiac' Mars rover
Mars rover Opportunity, which has been exploring the Red Planet for more than 10 years, is suffering from memory problems, Nasa has said.
High and dry? Party drug could target excess drinking
A patent has been filed for a drug that produces some of ecstasy’s euphoric effects – and seems to put the brakes on boozing
Tracking the Fukushima radioactivity plume across the Pacific
How long did it take a radioactive plume to travel the waters of the Pacific from Fukushima, Japan, to the shores of North America?
Patient stem cells used to make dementia-in-a-dish; help identify new treatment strategy
New strategy for treating an inherited form of dementia
Remains of long-dead viruses in our genomes aid our immune response
Let B cells respond to pathogens without any help.
Cancer Deaths Continue to Fall in US: 22% Drop in 20 Years
Deaths from cancer continue to fall in the United States, and the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that the 22% drop in cancer mortality seen during the last 2 decades has resulted in more than 1.5 million cancer deaths being avoided in those years.
Findings point to potential approach to treat virus causing illness, possible paralysis
Enterovirus D68 has stricken children with serious respiratory infections and might be associated with polio-like symptoms
Fat isn't all bad: Skin adipocytes help protect against infections
Fat cells below the skin help protect us from bacteria
'Bad luck' of random mutations plays predominant role in cancer, study shows
Statistical modeling links cancer risk with number of stem cell divisions
Defying textbook science, study finds new role for proteins
First demonstration that amino acids can be assembled without DNA or RNA
Ebola Doctors Are Divided on IV Therapy in Africa
Experts who favor aggressive rehydration point to several hospitals that claim unusually low death rates as evidence that it is effective. Skeptics say other factors may be at work.
India's Prototype Space Capsule Passes Big Test
In a two-in-one mission, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully conducted the first experimental flight of its next-generation launch vehicle and demonstrated the re-entry and recovery of a prototype crew capsule.
Innate behavior determines how we steer our car
When maneuvering a steering wheel, both children and adults demonstrate a jerkiness that researchers have previously been unable to explain
Vitamin D's benefit may lie in syncing our body clocks
ARE you spending enough time in the sun? As well as keeping our bones strong, vitamin D – the hormone our skin makes when exposed to ultraviolet rays – may also help regulate our body clocks.
HIV vaccines should avoid viral target cells, primate model study suggests
More CD4+ T cells in gateway tissues = increased risk of infection
We Used to Recycle Drugs From Patients' Urine
Penicillin extracted from a patient's urine could be reused
Planet Venus to Dazzle Stargazers in 2015 Night Sky
The planet Venus should be a dazzling object in the night sky of 2015. Here's how to see the bright planet in the night sky this year.
Rebrand Stage Fright to Overcome It
Call performance anxiety "excitement" and psych yourself up
If You Want to Meet That Deadline, Play a Trick on Your Mind
It’s just a few days into the new year. How are you doing on your resolutions? Wait: Have you even started on them yet?
SpaceX’s Next Frontier: Landing a Rocket on Earth
On Tuesday, SpaceX hopes to upend the economics of space travel by launching a Falcon 9 rocket and landing the rocket's 14-story-tall first stage on a barge.
Limiting Rest Is Found to Help Young Concussion Patients
Patients prescribed two days rest report fewer symptoms than those prescribed five days rest
Unblocking blood vessels: Heat and a drug do the trick
A Keio University team has developed what it says is an improved method of opening blood vessels that have narrowed and become clogged.

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