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Diamonds grow like trees, but over millions of years
Diamonds consist of highly compressed carbon atoms and develop deep underground at relatively high pressures and temperatures of over 1000 degrees Celsius.
Can olive leaf extract attenuate lead-induced brain injury?
In recent years, neurotoxicity from exposure to low levels of lead in the environment has become increasingly prevalent. Therefore, the discovery of herbs that have lead-eliminating properties without harmful side effects is essential for the management of lead poisoning.
Gut microbes closely linked to proper immune function, other health issues
A new understanding of the essential role of gut microbes in the immune system may hold the key to dealing with some of the more significant health problems facing people in the world today, Oregon State University researchers say in a new analysis.
Scientists Link Earthfs Westward Drift of Magnetic Field and Superrotation of Inner Core
In a newly published study, researchers from the University of Leeds detail how they solved a 300-year-old riddle about which direction the center of the Earth spins, linking the observed westward drift of the magnetic field and superrotation of the inner core.
Vaccinating cattle against E. coli O157 could cut human cases of infection by 85 percent, say scientists
Vaccinating cattle against the E. coli O157 bacterium could cut the number of human cases of the disease by 85%, according to scientists.
Lifestyle changes may lengthen telomeres, a measure of cell aging
Diet, meditation, exercise can improve key element of immune cell aging, UCSF scientists report
Obese stomachs tell us diets are doomed to fail
The way the stomach detects and tells our brains how full we are becomes damaged in obese people but does not return to normal once they lose weight, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.
Heart attacks in young women -- not all have chest pain
MUHC-led study evaluates gender and age differences
Concussions' Lingering Effects Linked to Hormone Deficiency
The finding may explain why even seemingly mild concussions can give rise to persistent maladies
Extremely potent, improved derivatives of successful anticancer drug created
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have found a way to make dramatic improvements to the cancer cell-killing power of vinblastine, one of the most successful chemotherapy drugs of the past few decades.
CDC Threat Report: eWe Will Soon Be in a Post-Antibiotic Eraf
CDC's first-of-its-kind assessment ranking America's threat from antibiotic-resistant organisms by the yearly number of illnesses and deaths
'Vicious cycle' shields, spreads cancer cells
A "vicious cycle" produces mucus that protects uterine and pancreatic cancer cells and promotes their proliferation, according to researchers at Rice University. The researchers offer hope for a therapeutic solution.
DNA Double Take
Scientists are discovering that - to a surprising degree - we contain genetic multitudes.
2008 economic crisis could be to blame for thousands of excess suicides worldwide
Researchers say 'urgent action' is needed to prevent further deaths
New marker identified for early diagnosis of lung cancer
A protein called isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1) is present at high levels in lung cancers and can be detected in the blood, making it a noninvasive diagnostic marker for lung cancers, according to a study published in Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.
Clean energy least costly to power America's electricity needs
Findings show carbon pollution from power plants can be cut cost-effectively by using wind, solar and natural gas
Pig-Manure Fertilizer Linked to Human MRSA Infections
Living near livestock farms and manure-treated fields are found to be associated with higher rates of antibiotic-resistant infection
Poker pros' arms betray their hands
The way players move chips when betting signals card quality
'Guns do not make a nation safer,' say doctors
Countries with lower gun ownership are safer than those with higher gun ownership, reports The American Journal of Medicine
Novel treatment for gonorrhea acts like a 'live vaccine,' prevents reinfection, animal study shows
Administered intravaginally, microsphere treatment reverses suppression of immunity and circumvents antibiotic resistance
UCLA doctors successfully 'vacuum' 2-foot blood clot out of patient's heart
First in state to perform minimally invasive alternative to open-heart surgery
Coma: Researchers observe never-before-detected brain activity
Active brain state beyond the deep coma associated with a flat EEG
Can vitamin B supplements help stave off stroke?
New evidence suggests that taking vitamin B supplements may help reduce the risk of stroke.
UEA scientists reveal Earth's habitable lifetime and investigate potential for alien life
Habitable conditions on Earth will be possible for at least another 1.75 billion years - according to astrobiologists at the University of East Anglia.
Mini drug factory churns out drugs from inside bone
IMAGINE never having to take a pill again. Instead, mini drug factories hidden inside your bones, and made from your own immune cells, would churn out personalised drugs and other molecules designed to keep you fit and healthy.
What's that smell? Ten basic odor categories sniffed out with math
Taste can be classified into five flavors that we sense, but how many odors can we smell?
Calls to give boys anti-cancer jab
Schoolboys should be given the HPV vaccine to help protect them from some cancers, according to public and sexual health bodies.
Alzheimer's brain scan detects tau protein
Pioneering brain imaging that can detect the build-up of destructive proteins linked to Alzheimer's has been developed by Japanese scientists.
Interference with cellular recycling leads to cancer growth, chemo resistance
Overactivity of a protein that normally cues cells to divide sabotages the body's natural cellular recycling process, leading to heightened cancer growth and chemotherapy resistance, UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have found.
Colorado Rainfall Was One for the Ages, Weather Service Says
The downpour that inundated parts of Colorado this month was a once-in-a-millennium event for those areas, according to an analysis by the National Weather Service.
Genomic Test Accurately Distinguishes between Viral and Bacterial Infections
A new genomic test developed by researchers at Duke University School of Medicine can accurately sort between viral and bacterial infections, possibly helping to limit the overuse of antibiotics and the emergence of bacterial resistance.
Gastric Bypass 'Cures' Diabetes in Almost a Third of Patients
Publication of a new, albeit retrospective, study has shown that almost a third of obese patients with type 2 diabetes undergoing gastric bypass were effectively "cured" of their diabetes, being in complete remission as per the strictest definition possible that was maintained for 6 years after the surgery.
Considering a three-year medical degree
Academic medical centers can help adapt to dramatic changes in health care by offering accelerated study to selected students so that they receive a doctor of medicine degree (MD) in three years rather than the traditional four, according to educational leaders at NYU School of Medicine.
How Many Die from Medical Mistakes in U.S. Hospitals?
An updated estimate says it could be at least 210,000 patients a year, more than twice the number in a frequently quoted Institute of Medicine report
Research finds Neandertals, not modern humans, made first specialized bone tools in Europe
Bone fragment turns out to be a part of an early specialized bone tool used by a Neandertal before the first modern humans appeared in Europe
'Cascade of events' caused sudden explosion of animal life
The explosion of animal life on Earth around 520 million years ago was the result of a combination of interlinked factors rather than a single underlying cause, according to a new study.
Could dog food additive prevent disabling chemotherapy side effect?
Johns Hopkins researchers find, in mice, that common preservative may thwart pain and damage of peripheral neuropathy
First real-time detector for IV delivered drugs may help eliminate life-threatening medical errors
New optical device can identify the contents of the fluid in an intravenous (IV) line in real-time
Paracetamol improves exercise endurance in the heat
Paracetamol has a significant effect on exercise performance and the body's ability to cope with the thermal challenge of exercise in the heat, shows a study published in Experimental Physiology.
Digoxin use associated with higher risk of death for patients diagnosed with heart failure
Digoxin was associated with a 72 percent higher rate of death among adults with newly diagnosed systolic heart failure
Donft let fear of falling freeze you in your tracks
Older adults need to maintain their strength, function and activity to the level they are able.
Weight bias in cancer care? Obese cancer patients often shorted on chemo, hurting survival
Obese people are less likely to survive cancer, and one reason may be a surprising inequality: The overweight are undertreated.
Scientists closer to universal flu vaccine after pandemic 'natural experiment'
Scientists have moved closer to developing a universal flu vaccine after using the 2009 pandemic as a natural experiment to study why some people seem to resist severe illness.
Wild Animals of All Stripes Are Adapting to the Cityscape and Thriving
The new science of urban ecology reveals a surprising trend of wildlife adapting to the cityscape
Why do you want to eat the baby?
'Odour is a means of chemical communication between mother and child'
Disaster relief donations track number of people killed, not number of survivors
People pay more attention to the number of people killed in a natural disaster than to the number of survivors when deciding how much money to donate to disaster relief efforts

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