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Split liver transplants for young children proven to be as safe as whole organ transplantation
Increased use of split livers could significantly increase pediatric organ donor pool, potentially reducing or eliminating waitlist mortality rate for this population
Epigenetic factor likely plays a key role in fueling most common childhood cancer
A study led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital shows epigenetic changes that turn genes on and off are as unique as alterations in DNA and may be as important in causing the most common childhood cancer
Simple theory may explain mysterious dark matter
Most of the matter in the universe may be made out of particles that possess an unusual, donut-shaped electromagnetic field called an anapole.
Women with severe morning sickness who take antihistamines more likely to experience bad outcomes
Women with a severe form of morning sickness who take antihistamines to help them sleep through their debilitating nausea are significantly more likely to experience adverse pregnancy outcomes, including low birth weight babies and premature births, a UCLA study has found.
Childhood cancer survivors found to have significant undiagnosed disease as adults
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital study identifies the need for proactive, life-long medical follow-up and provides the most complete health picture yet of adult survivors of childhood cancer
Alzheimer's and low blood sugar in diabetes may trigger a vicious cycle
A new UC San Francisco-led study looks at the close link between diabetes and dementia, which can create a vicious cycle.
New archaeogenetic research refutes earlier findings
Modern humans did not settle in Asia before the devastating eruption of Sumatra's volcano Mount Toba 74,000 years ago
Martian clay contains chemical implicated in the origin of life, astrobiologists find
Researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa NASA Astrobiology Institute (UHNAI) have discovered high concentrations of boron in a Martian meteorite.
Scientists discover new layer of the human cornea
Scientists at The University of Nottingham have discovered a previously undetected layer in the cornea, the clear window at the front of the human eye.
Experimental vaccine shows promise against TB meningitis
Study in animals lays groundwork for new prevention strategies in brain TB
Breaking Bad with Breakbone Fever
What if a bacterial infection could prevent you from getting Dengue Fever?  Malaria too?
Exercise for stroke patients' brains
A new study finds that stroke patients' brains show strong cortical motor activity when observing others performing physical tasks - a finding that offers new insight into stroke rehabilitation.
Flu vaccines aimed at younger populations could break annual transmission cycle
The huge value of vaccinating more children and young adults for influenza is being seriously underestimated, experts say in a new report, while conventional wisdom and historic vaccine programs have concentrated on the elderly and those at higher risk of death and serious complications.
The Iceman Suffered Brain Damage Before Death
An injury to the head, not an arrow wound, may have killed Ötzi the Iceman, the 5,300-year-old mummy found in the Italian Alps, says a new paleoproteomic study into the brain of Europe's oldest natural human mummy.
New phylum of bacteria found lurking in hospital sink’s drain
Its genome hints that it may live inside some other organism.
Oldest record of human-caused lead pollution detected
Pitt researchers discover lead pollution dating back 8,000 years in northernmost region of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Research paints new picture of 'dinobird' feathers
The first complete chemical analysis of feathers from Archaeopteryx, a famous fossil linking dinosaurs and birds, reveals that the feathers were patterned-light in color, with a dark edge and tip-rather than all black, as previously thought.
New Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Gets FDA Nod
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today approved a 4-strain inactivated influenza virus vaccine from Sanofi Pasteur (Fluzone Quadrivalent) for use in children aged 6 months or older, adolescents, and adults.
Now-extinct wolf may be ancestor of modern-day dogs
No strong signs of canine ancestry among living grey wolves
Moderate-intensity walking timed just right might help protect against Type 2 diabetes
15-minute walks taken after meals helped curb risky rise in blood sugar, new study says
Survey of physicians suggests tablets more useful than smartphones
AmericanEHR Partners release survey results for mobile phone and tablet usage among EHR and non-EHR users
Fingernails reveal clues to limb regeneration
Researchers discover biochemical pathway that links nail growth to fingertip regeneration
Check it's not MERS, WHO tells world's health workers
Medics everywhere: be on the alert for Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), the disease that emerged last September in Saudi Arabia.
Discovery of new material state counterintuitive to laws of physics
When you squeeze something, it gets smaller. Unless you're at Argonne National Laboratory.
An Olive Oil Compound That Makes Your Throat Itch May Prevent Alzheimer's
An olive oil compound that makes your throat itch may also help prevent Alzheimer's
Computer Memory Can Be Read With a Flash of Light
Prototype device combines speed and durability.
Male preference for younger female mates identified as likely cause of menopause
Menopause caused by male preference for younger mates
Monell-led research identifies scent of melanoma
New research may lead to early non-invasive detection and diagnosis
High prevalence of NSAID prescription in those at risk of heart attack/death in primary care
Patients at risk after 1 week of treatment
'Self-cleaning' pollution-control technology could do more harm than good, study suggests
Research by Indiana University environmental scientists shows that air-pollution-removal technology used in "self-cleaning" paints and building surfaces may actually cause more problems than they solve.
Myriad BRCA Patents Ruled Invalid by US Supreme Court
In an highly anticipated decision, the Supreme Court has effectively invalidated the patents held by Myriad Genetics for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
Astronomers Measure the Density of Dark Matter in Galaxy Clusters
Study Sheds New Light on Dark Matter
From the mouths of babes: Toddlers' speech is far more advanced than previously thought
The sound of small children chattering away as they learn to talk has always been considered cute -- but not particularly sophisticated. However, research by a Newcastle University expert has shown that toddlers' speech is far more advanced than previously understood.
Researchers explode the myth about running injuries
Ordinary running shoes function perfectly well for new runners regardless of how they pronate, according to new research from Aarhus University
Sorting plastic waste: A magnetic game
Researchers have developed a method to separate in one step the different types of plastic by their specific weight
How fish won the oxygen war
A missing link in the story of how the fishes triumphed over toxic oceans and past climate changes has been revealed by an international team of scientists.
How to Be a Better Boss
The key to being a good boss is a combination of humility, confidence and the right kind of carrots.
New 'embryonic' subduction zone found
Continental Europe and America could be joined in 220 million years

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