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Feast clue to smell of ancient earth
Tiny 1,900 million-year-old fossils from rocks around Lake Superior, Canada, give the first ever snapshot of organisms eating each other and suggest what the ancient Earth would have smelled like.
Will green tea help you lose weight?
Evidence shows that green tea extract in tandem with an additional compound could be effective for body weight control and type 2 diabetes
Gastric bypass surgery alters hormones to relieve diabetes symptoms
Study is among first to compare post-operative to simulated pre-operative digestion
How we decode 'noisy' language in daily life: How people rationally interpret linguistic input
A new study shows how people rationally interpret linguistic input
Natural Dental Wear Protects Teeth Against Fatigue Failure
In a newly published study, researchers analyzed modern human teeth, finding that material loss protects teeth against fatigue failure.
Is antimatter anti-gravity?
First direct measurement of antimatter's weight compared to that of normal matter
Connection between inflammatory stimulus and Parkinson's disease examined
Exposure of an experimental inflammatory agent in an animal model causes changes in brain tissue similar to those associated with the development of Parkinson's disease
Lake found in Sierra Nevada with the oldest remains of atmospheric contamination in Southern Europe
A team of scientists find in the Laguna de Rio Seco lagoon, at an altitude of 3,020 m., evidence of atmospheric pollution caused by lead and linked to metallurgical activities from 3,900 years ago (Early Bronze Age).
Bees need honey's natural pharmaceuticals
Ingredients trigger insects' genes for detoxification and immune defenses
New zooming technique for entering text into smartwatches
As devices get smaller, how will users enter data into them
Breast milk protein complex helps reverse antibiotic resistance
Using a protein complex found in breast milk, researchers force drug-resistant 'superbugs' including MRSA to respond to antibiotics again
‘Catastrophic’ malpractice payouts add little to health care’s rising costs
Review of malpractice claims suggests assertions of large payouts draining health resources are wrong
The right amount of vitamin D for babies: 400 IU daily dose for suggested for infants under one year of age
Parents are recommended to give their babies a daily vitamin D supplement, but how much should be given?
Cheating favors extinction, yeast study finds: Feedback between population and evolutionary dynamics
A new study has found that a yeast colony dominated by non-producers ('cheaters') is more likely to face extinction than one consisting entirely of producers ('co-operators').
Baby knows best: Fetuses emit hormone crucial to preventing preeclampsia
In a study using mice, researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that a hormone, adrenomedullin, plays a crucial role in preventing the pregnancy complication preeclampsia.
Fossil of great ape sheds light on evolution
Researchers who unearthed the fossil specimen of an ape skeleton in Spain in 2002 assigned it a new genus and species, Pierolapithecus catalaunicus.
Sharp rise in emergency department visits involving the sleep medication Zolpidem
A new report shows that the number of emergency department visits involving adverse reactions to the sleep medication zolpidem rose nearly 220 percent from 6,111 visits in 2005 to 19,487 visits in 2010.
Wide-eyed fear expressions may help us -- and others -- to locate threats
Wide-eyed expressions that typically signal fear may enlarge our visual field and mutually enhance others' ability to locate threats, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
Cancers Share Gene Patterns, Studies Affirm
Scientists have discovered that the most dangerous cancer of the uterine lining closely resembles the worst ovarian and breast cancers, providing the most telling evidence yet that cancer will increasingly be seen as a disease defined primarily by its genetic fingerprint rather than just by the organ where it originated.
Saudi Sars-like virus 'kills five'
Five people in Saudi Arabia have died from a Sars-like virus and two more are seriously ill, officials say.
World-first study predicts epilepsy seizures in humans
A small device implanted in the brain has accurately predicted epilepsy seizures in humans in a world-first study led by Professor Mark Cook, Chair of Medicine at the University of Melbourne and Director of Neurology at St Vincent's Hospital.
'Oil for the joints' offers hope for osteoarthritis sufferers
A team of researchers led by a Boston University Biomedical Engineer has developed a new joint lubricant that could bring longer lasting relief to millions of osteoarthritis sufferers.
Gray hair and vitiligo reversed at the root
New research in The FASEB Journal suggests that loss of skin or hair color can be corrected by a new compound -- a pseudocatalase -- that reverses oxidative stress
Birth of a black hole
A new kind of cosmic flash may reveal something never seen before: the birth of a black hole.
Media advisory: Brain cell injections may quiet epileptic seizures
NIH-supported study suggests cell therapy may be a viable approach
Dream of Mars exploration achievable, experts say
NASA and private sector experts now agree that a man or woman could be sent on a mission to Mars over the next 20 years, despite huge challenges.
New Diseases and National Transparency: Who Is Measuring Up?
The World Health Organization has been monitoring the gradual accumulation of coronavirus cases, but there has been almost nothing published since last fall
Transparency Unlocked: More New Saudi Coronavirus Cases Reported Quickly
The Saudi government behaved very differently with a new report.
Oral drops can give kids needle-free relief from asthma, allergies
Sublingual drops may be an option for pediatric allergy sufferers

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