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Research deciphers HIV attack plan
Scientists get inside look at how AIDS virus grooms its assault team
Researchers are first to use common virus to 'fortify' adult stem cells
Potential uses of engineered cells include organ transplant and brain injury
Tests to predict heart problems may be more useful predictor of memory loss than dementia tests
Tools that estimate future risk of heart disease and stroke may be more useful predictors of future decline in cognitive abilities  than a dementia risk score
Varicella vaccine has long-term effectiveness against chicken pox
Chicken pox has been largely neutralized by the varicella vaccine
New type of deadly lymphoma identified; Discovery enables more effective treatment for patients
An international research team has identified a new type of deadly intestinal lymphoma that is particularly common in Asia.
Drug for erectile disorder show promise in the treatment of obesity
Sildenafil may also serve as a weight loss aid by coaxing our bodies to store more healthy "brown fat" than unhealthy "white fat"
Nothing fishy about it: Fish oil can boost the immune system
Fish oil rich in DHA and EPA is widely believed to help prevent disease by reducing inflammation, but until now, scientists were not entirely sure about its immune enhancing effects.
Mineral analysis of lunar crater deposit prompts a second look at the impact cratering process
Impacts on the Moon may not wipe the mineralogical slate clean
Tonsillectomy in adults with severe recurrent sore throats may benefit some people
Tonsillectomy may result in fewer severe sore throats and could benefit some adult patients, according to a randomized trial published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
LSUHSC research discoveries shed light on common STI
Common sexually transmitted infection-causing parasite "cultivates" bacteria beneficial to it
A longer life for lithium-sulfur batteries
This is an opportune time for a breakthrough in efficient and low-cost lithium-sulfur batteries.
New promise for an HIV vaccine as researchers overcome crucial obstacle
For the first time, researchers stimulate immune cells that can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies
The hunt for the creative individual
Some people are more creative than others and are literally bubbling with ideas, while others rarely or never show signs of creativity. What should we look for when searching for creative people?
Canada faces science muzzling probe
Canada's Information Commission is to investigate claims that the government is "muzzling" its scientists.
'Just a Theory': 7 Misused Science Words
From significant to natural, here are seven scientific terms that can prove troublesome for the public and across research disciplines
New genetic evidence suggests a continuum among neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
Research suggests that a broad spectrum of developmental and psychiatric disorders should be conceptualized as manifestations of a common underlying denominator, rather than independent conditions with distinct causes.
Feeling hungry may protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease
The feeling of hunger itself may protect against Alzheimer's disease.
Immune system: The healing element is also the enemy
The same factor in our immune system that is instrumental in enabling us to fight off severe and dangerous inflammatory ailments is also a player in doing the opposite at a later stage, causing the suppression of our immune response.
Study finds ionic thrusters generate efficient propulsion in air
Thrusters powered by ionic wind may be an efficient alternative to conventional atmospheric propulsion technologies
Scientists identify first potentially effective therapy for human prion disease
For the first time scientists  identify a pair of drugs already approved for human use that show anti-prion activity
Baldness linked to increased risk of coronary heart disease
Risk greatest for those with thinning crown rather than receding hairline
A fingerprint of exhaled breath
Modern high-resolution analytical methods that can provide real-time information on the chemical composition of exhaled breath
Accused of complicity in Alzheimer's, amyloid proteins may be getting a bad rap
Amyloids - clumps of misfolded proteins found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders - are the quintessential bad boys of neurobiology.
Breakthrough in hydrogen fuel production could revolutionize alternative energy market
Researchers have discovered a way to extract large quantities of hydrogen from any plant
Breakthrough cancer-killing treatment has no side-effects in mice: New chemistry may cure human cancers
Medical researchers have developed a new form of radiation therapy that successfully put cancer into remission in mice.
Astronomers anticipate 100 billion Earth-like planets
Researchers at The University of Auckland have proposed a new method for finding Earth-like planets and they anticipate that the number will be in the order of 100 billion.
Powder women's eggs for home storage
JUST add water and sperm - any romance should be provided separately. In future, women who want to safeguard their fertility may be able to store their eggs at home as a powder.
Wild mice have natural protection against Lyme borreliosis
Wild mice are the primary hosts for Borrelia, which are transmitted by ticks.
Shift of language function to right hemisphere impedes post-stroke aphasia recovery
Findings published in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
The equine Adam lived fairly recently: Close relationships among modern stallions
In mammals, an individual's sex is determined by the chromosomes it inherits from its parents.
Power behind primordial soup discovered
Researchers at the University of Leeds may have solved a key puzzle about how objects from space could have kindled life on Earth.
Dose of Reality
HPV is epidemic, which is odd since it is largely preventable
New camera system creates high-resolution 3-D images from up to a kilometer away
Imaging system that can gather high-resolution, 3-D information about objects that are typically very difficult to image, from up to a kilometer away
Roche to release all Tamiflu data
The drug company Roche, which makes Tamiflu, has announced it will give researchers access to all its trial data for the influenza drug, the BMJ reports.
Dream contents deciphered by computer
Similar brain patterns emerge when seeing an object and conjuring it during sleep
How life may have first emerged on Earth: Foldable proteins in a high-salt environment
New research has yielded data supporting the idea that 10 amino acids believed to exist on Earth around 4 billion years ago were capable of forming foldable proteins in a high-salt (halophile) environment.
Researcher says mosquitos, larger than a dime and packing a painful bite, could invade soon
It's just a matter of time before the "gallinipper" or flying, "hairy legged-zebra" takes the stage
Breakthrough in neuroscience could help re-wire appetite control
Discovery in neuroscience that could offer a long-lasting solution to obesity
Flies model a potential sweet treatment for Parkinson's disease
Research presented at the Genetics Society of America's ongoing annual Drosophila Conference in Washington, D.C., suggests that mannitol, a sugar substitute, could lead to a future treatment for Parkinson's disease
2-step ovarian cancer immunotherapy made from patients' own tumor shows promise
Trial benefits three-quarters of patients
'Absurd' drug laws 'hinder research'
'Absurd' laws dealing with magic mushrooms, ecstasy and cannabis are hindering medical research, according to a former government drugs adviser.
Do cells in the blood, heart and lungs smell the food we eat?
Heart, blood, lung and other cells in the body have same receptors for sensing odors that exist in the nose
Red meat boosts gut bugs that raise heart disease risk
Red meat gives a boost to gut bugs that are bad news for your arteries. The discovery may explain why eating lots of meat increases the risk of heart disease.
Global burden of dengue is triple current estimates
The global burden of dengue infection is more than triple current estimates from the World Health Organization, according to a multinational study published today in the journal Nature.

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