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New study reveals bitter taste receptors regulate the upper respiratory defense system
Findings could help uncover novel diagnostic tools and treatments for patients with chronic sinus conditions
Fast walking and jogging halve development of heart disease and stroke risk factors
But an hour's walk every day makes no difference: Intensity rather than duration is what counts
Can eating tomatoes lower the risk of stroke?
Eating tomatoes and tomato-based foods is associated with a lower risk of stroke
Typhoid vaccine failure warning
More than 700,000 people recently immunised against typhoid may not have full protection because of a dud vaccine that has now been recalled, say experts.
Organism without a brain creates external memories for navigation
The slime mold stores a record of where it's been using, well, slime.
UC Berkeley study finds flirting can pay off for women
Haas School of Business research on effective negotiation
Can Wall Street Financial "Wizardry" Foster Drug Innovation?
Biotech has always been as much about showing the money as it has been about quantitative secretome analysis.
Coffee speeds up return of bowel function after colon surgery, study finds
Patients who drank coffee, rather than water, after bowel surgery to remove a part of their colon experienced a quicker return to bowel movements and tolerance of solid food.
Voyager 1 may have left the solar system
While there's no official word from NASA on this, the buzz around the blogosphere is that Voyager 1 has left the Solar System.
A predominance to be right-handed is not a uniquely human trait, but one shared by great apes, study finds
Three separate studies support a theory that human right-handedness is a trait that was inherited from an ancestor common to both humans and great apes.
Flirting can pay off for women, study finds
Female flirtation signals attractive qualities such as confidence, which is considered essential to successful negotiators
Fatal parasite strikes in Karachi
A rare brain-eating amoeba is responsible for at least 10 deaths in the Pakistani city of Karachi in recent months, health officials believe.
Caffeine may block inflammation linked to mild cognitive impairment
Studies have linked caffeine consumption to a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Researchers find intestinal bacteria create phages for use as weapons
Researchers at the University of Texas have found that a certain type of bacteria that lives in the mammalian gut creates a virus to kill off competitors.
Swimming with hormones: Researchers unravel ancient urges that drive social decisions of fish
Oxytocin - the hormone responsible for making humans fall in love - has a similar effect on fish
DNA's half-life identified using fossil bones
We are used to radioactive substances having a half-life, but DNA?
Study: Stroke becoming more common in young people
New research reveals that stroke may be affecting people at a younger age.
Astrocytes as a novel target in Alzheimer’s disease
Have identified astrocytes as a novel target for the development of future treatment strategies
Developmental biologist proposes new theory of early animal evolution
Alternative model challenges a basic assumption of evolution
Nearby super-Earth likely a diamond planet
New research led by Yale University scientists suggests that a rocky planet twice Earth's size orbiting a nearby star is a diamond planet.
Soft-shelled turtles urinate through mouth
Discovery that turtles effectively urinate through the mouth
Black glass holds first Mars soil sample on Earth
Veins of black glass in a meteorite that recently crashed in Morocco contain the first chemical traces of Martian soil brought to Earth.
New model explains role of dopamine in immune regulation
Role of dopamine in modulating the immune system and new possibilities for treating diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease
HIV and breast cancer may share a common enemy: Nelfinavir
Nelfinavir slows the progress of HER2-positive tumor cells
Pre-exam anxiety 'boosts grades'
Sitting exams and tests is often a nerve-racking experience, but being anxious beforehand may boost a candidate's grades, researchers say.
Prostate cancer: Curcumin curbs metastases
Curcumin inhibits inflammatory reactions,  it can also inhibit formation of metastases
Reason discovered for the toxicity of indoor mould
A team of researchers at the University of Helsinki has discovered how indoor mould makes people sick.
Chronic stress during pregnancy prevents brain benefits of motherhood, study shows
A new study in animals shows that chronic stress during pregnancy prevents brain benefits of motherhood, a finding that researchers suggest could increase understanding of postpartum depression.
Early-Earth cells modeled to show how first life forms might have packaged RNA
A chemical model that mimics a possible step in the formation of cellular life on Earth four-billion years ago

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