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Head and body lice appear to be the same species, genetic study finds
A new study offers compelling genetic evidence that head and body lice are the same species.
800-year-old farmers could teach us how to protect the Amazon
In the face of mass deforestation of the Amazon, we could learn from its earliest inhabitants who managed their farmland sustainably.
Immune cells, 'macrophages' become activated by body temperature
Molecular mechanisms involved in the switch-on of the temperature sensor TRPM2 by hydrogen peroxide have been clarified
Study links toxic component in herbal remedies to kidney failure and cancer
Aristolochic acid (AA), a component of a plant used in herbal remedies since ancient times, leads to kidney failure and upper urinary tract cancer (UUC) in individuals exposed to the toxin
Dental X-rays linked to common brain tumor
Research finds correlation between frequent dental X-rays and increased risk of developing meningioma
Researchers use brain-injury data to map intelligence in the brain
Scientists report that they have mapped the physical architecture of intelligence in the brain.
Study shows botanical formula fights prostate cancer
Third study to show formula's effectiveness also demonstrates no toxic side effects
Experts suggest grazing cows, sheep, ducks in forests
Putting cows, sheep and other livestock into forests to graze could prove to be a valuable tool for New York woodland management, say Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) agriculture educators and colleagues in the Cornell Forestry Program.
Antioxidant may disrupt Alzheimer's disease process
An increasing amount of evidence suggests that changes in the way the body handles iron and other metals like copper and zinc may start years before the onset of AD symptoms
Teamwork made Man brainier, say scientists
Learning to work in teams may explain why humans evolved a bigger brain, according to a new study published on Wednesday.
Duck-billed dinosaurs endured long, dark polar winters
Duck-billed dinosaurs that lived within Arctic latitudes approximately 70 million years ago likely endured long, dark polar winters
Key to new antibiotics?
University researchers find antibiotic-resistant bacteria deep in 1 of the world's largest and unspoiled underground caves
Stem cells from pelvic bone may preserve heart function
Stem cells from the pelvic bone may help hearts beat stronger.
Deep sequencing of 15 samples of traditional Chinese medicines
Deep sequencing reveals undeclared, potentially toxic, and trade-restricted ingredients within 15 samples of traditional Chinese medicines
Test links strains of common parasite to severe illness in US newborns
NIH-supported research underscores value of screening for toxoplasmosis
Chimp beds hint how early humans ditched tree-sleeping
WHERE did early humans bed down for the night?
Breakthrough discovery unveils master switches in colon cancer
A team of researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have identified a new mechanism by which colon cancer develops.
Alzheimer's Drug Candidate May Help Brain Injuries Heal
Researchers uncover a potential new path to spinal cord regeneration
A New Record for Retractions?
Editors representing 23 journals have publicly asked officials at seven Japanese institutions to investigate the integrity of 193 publications authored by anesthesiologist Yoshitaka Fujii.
How a bump on the head could have caused permanent disability
When Dr. Irene Gatti de Leon slipped on the ice and bumped her head, she wasn't too concerned.
Physicists continue work to abolish time as fourth dimension of space
Philosophers have debated the nature of time long before Einstein and modern physics.

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