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The incomplete art of brand imagery
CHESTNUT HILL, MA – The visual power of a brand can be the first breakthrough companies make with their customers.
A gene that fights cancer, but causes it too
Over-activation of a single gene promotes leukemia, but its loss causes liver cancer
Happiness has a dark side
It seems like everyone wants to be happier and the pursuit of happiness is one of the foundations of American life. But even happiness can have a dark side, according to the authors of a new review article published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.
New solar product captures up to 95 percent of light energy
MU engineer plans to make solar panels more effective in collecting energy
What's in a simple line drawing? Quite a lot, our brains say
COLUMBUS, Ohio A new study using sophisticated brain scans shows how simple line drawings can capture the essence of a beach or a mountain for viewers just as well as a photograph would.
Common anti-inflammatory coaxes liver cancer cells to commit suicide
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib, known by the brand name Celebrex, triggers liver cancer cell death by reacting with a protein in a way that makes those cells commit suicide, according to a new study.
Sections of retinas regenerated and visual function increased with stem cells from skin
Boston, MA - Scientists from Schepens Eye Research Institute are the first to regenerate large areas of damaged retinas and improve visual function using IPS cells (induced pluripotent stem cells) derived from skin.
Bedbugs bite into the US economy
By Theo Leggett Business reporter, BBC News, New York
In popular culture, New York is the city that never sleeps, the concrete jungle in which dreams are made, a place to walk on the wild side.
M.R.I., 1974
The technology for measuring the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei goes back to the 1930s. But it took decades for scientists to put it to medical use.
A virus similar to herpes could be a risk factor for multiple sclerosis
The Epstein-Barr (EVB) virus –belonging to the herpesviruses family, which also includes the herpes simplex virus and the cytomegalovirus– is one of the environmental factors that might cause multiple sclerosis, a condition affecting the central nervous system, which causes are unknown.
Sodium channels evolved before animals' nervous systems, research shows
AUSTIN, Texas - An essential component of animal nervous systems - sodium channels - evolved prior to the evolution of those systems, researchers from The University of Texas at Austin have discovered.
Penn researchers identify the roots of memory impairment resulting from sleep deprivation
PHILADELPHIA - From high-school students to surgeons, anyone who has pulled an all-nighter knows there is a price to be paid the next day: trouble focusing, a fuzzy memory and other cognitive impairments. Now, researchers at Penn have found the part of the brain and the neurochemical basis for sleep deprivation's effects on memory.
$25,000, 350-mile-per-charge electric car could be reality by 2017, DOE says
In an event flanked with all the electric cars that have recently come to market, and a handful of those that are poised for sale later this year, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa flipped the switch today on the 500th electric-vehicle charging station installed by Coulomb Technologies as part of its ChargePoint America network.
Dinosaurs May Soon Go Extinct - Again
Analysis by Jennifer Viegas
Certain dinosaurs may go extinct -- again -- since they may have only existed in the minds of paleontologists.
Treatment of chronic low back pain can reverse abnormal brain activity and function
It likely comes as no surprise that low back pain is the most common form of chronic pain among adults. Lesser known is the fact that those with chronic pain also experience cognitive impairments and reduced gray matter in parts of the brain associated with pain processing and the emotional components of pain, like depression and anxiety.
Temperature, humidity affect health benefits of green tea powders
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - The beneficial compounds in green tea powders aren't as stable as once thought, according to a Purdue University study that will give industry guidelines on how to better store those powders.
Lichens may aid in combating deadly chronic wasting disease in wildlife
MADISON, Wis. – Certain lichens can break down the infectious proteins responsible for chronic wasting disease (CWD), a troubling neurological disease fatal to wild deer and elk and spreading throughout the United States and Canada, according to U.S. Geological Survey research published today in the journal PLoS ONE.
Virtual workout partners spur better results
Researcher analyzes Kohler effect in health video games
Protein flaws responsible for complex life, study says
By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Tiny structural errors in proteins may have been responsible for changes that sparked complex life, researchers say.
Alien Planets Outnumber Stars, Study Says
"Important" discovery: Jupiter-like runaways common in our galaxy.
The Earth's core is melting ... and freezing
The inner core of the Earth is simultaneously melting and freezing due to circulation of heat in the overlying rocky mantle, according to new research from the University of Leeds, UC San Diego and the Indian Institute of Technology.
Standing up to fight
Does it explain why we walk upright and why women like tall men?
Wind is Japan's strongest alternative to nuclear
18 May 2011 by Andy Coghlan
TWO months after the explosions and radiation leaks at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, the prime minister, Naoto Kan, has announced that the country will not build any new reactors.
Japanese electric car 'goes 300km' on single charge
Japanese developers have unveiled an electric car they said Wednesday can travel more than 300 kilometres before its battery runs flat.
Rainbows without pigments offer new defense against fraud
Scientists from the University of Sheffield have developed pigment-free, intensely coloured polymer materials, which could provide new, anti-counterfeit devices on passports or banknotes due to their difficulty to copy.
Archaeologists uncover oldest mine in the Americas
Archaeologists have discovered a 12,000-year-old iron oxide mine in Chile that marks the oldest evidence of organized mining ever found in the Americas, according to a report in the June issue of Current Anthropology.
Paraplegic man stands, steps with assistance and moves his legs voluntarily
Regimen of epidural spinal cord stimulation plus extensive locomotor training 'a significant breakthrough;' results published today in the Lancet
Herbal remedies offer hope as the new antibiotics
Cancer treatments often have the side effect of impairing the patient's immune system.
Large brains in mammals first evolved for better sense of smell
Ability to sense touch through fur also a factor
The peculiar feeding mechanism of the first vertebrates
Jaws made of bone are commonplace in the animal kingdom. However, how jaws developed in the course of evolution is still a mystery.
The traditional remedy bitter cumin is a great source antioxidant plant phenols
Bitter cumin is used extensively in traditional medicine to treat a range of diseases from vitiligo to hyperglycemia.
Implant jab could solve the misery of back pain
(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Manchester scientists have developed a biomaterial implant which could finally bring treatment, in the form of a jab, for chronic back pain.
RNA Editing to Create 'Acquired Characteristics' Appears Common
The ability to edit RNA to produce 'new' protein-coding sequences could be widespread in human cells.
Crossing your arms 'relieves hand pain'
Crossing your hand in front of you 'could reduce pain'
Research provides insight into quality of stored blood used for transfusions
Old red blood cells shown to have undergone 'significant changes and damage'; techniques could help rapidly monitoring quality of blood supply
2-year results: Artificial disc a viable alternative to fusion for 2-level disc disease
Article in Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery will be subject of educational video
High iron, copper levels block brain-cell DNA repair
Discovery could shed light on Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative disorders
How Brains Bounce Back from Physical Damage
After a traumatic injury, neurons that govern memory can regenerate
By Tim Requarth and Meehan Crist
Gorillas' right-handedness gives new clues to human language development
(PhysOrg.com) -- A new study that has identified a right-handed dominance in gorillas may also reveal how tool use led to language development in humans.
Curing Paralysis--Again
By R. Douglas Fields
An article by Rob Stein on the front page of today’s Washington Post (May 20, 2011) announces a stunning breakthrough treatment for paralysis that has transformed the life of a man who was paralyzed in a car accident.
Human brain's most ubiquitous cell cultivated in lab dish
MADISON – Pity the lowly astrocyte, the most common cell in the human nervous system.

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