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Health-care providers are prescribing nontraditional medicine
Study shows use of mind-body therapies is on the rise
Short term use of painkillers could be dangerous to heart patients
Even short-term use of some painkillers could be dangerous for people who've had a heart attack, according to research published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.
1 in 7 strokes occurs during sleep, many go without clot-busting treatment
Approximately 14 percent of all strokes occur during sleep, preventing many from getting clot-busting treatment, according to a study published in the May 10, 2011, print issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
How to tell when someone's lying
UCLA psychologist helps law enforcement agencies tell truth from deception
Johns Hopkins scientists reveal nerve cells' navigation system
Work in flies and mice has implications for regeneration therapies
Heart medication best at bedtime, study reveals
When doctors give heart drugs to patients, the time of day can make a big difference, according to new research by University of Guelph scientists.
Vanderbilt biologists discover a new class of insect repellent
Imagine an insect repellant that not only is thousands of times more effective than DEET – the active ingredient in most commercial mosquito repellants – but also works against all types of insects, including flies, moths and ants.
Update on Gliese 581d's habitability
When last we checked in on Gliese 581d, a team from the University of Paris had suggested that the popular exoplanet, Gliese 581d may be habitable.
The skinny on how shed skin reduces indoor air pollution
Flakes of skin that people shed at the rate of 500 million cells every day are not just a nuisance - the source of dandruff, for instance, and a major contributor to house dust. They actually can be beneficial.
Full face transplant patient makes 1st appearance
The nation's first full face transplant recipient said the first thing his young daughter told him when she saw him after the operation was "Daddy, you're so handsome."
Oncolytic viruses effectively target and kill pancreatic cancer stem cells
Oncolytic viruses quickly infect and kill cancer stem cells, which may provide a treatment for tumors that are resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation, particularly pancreatic cancer, according to new research from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
Infant Deaths Drop After Midwives Undergo Inexpensive Training
Giving midwives simple training has already been shown to save newborns’ lives, and a new study in Zambia has found that it can be remarkably cost-effective as well.
Study: Pace of brain development still strong in late teens
Boys and girls have put many of the trappings of teenagerhood behind them by the age of 18 or 19, but at least some of the brain resculpting that characterizes the decade of adolescence may still be going as strong as ever, according to findings in a new study that measured brainwaves of subjects in their midteens and again in their late teens.
Coffee reduces breast cancer risk
Recently published research shows that coffee drinkers enjoy not only the taste of their coffee but also a reduced risk of cancer with their cuppa.
Twinning is winning: Moms of twins live longer
It’s not that double birth is healthy, but healthier women do it
Getting along with co-workers may prolong life, researchers find
But support from the boss has no effect on mortality
Deadline Pressure Distorts Our Sense of Time
The difficulty of a task stretches out our perception of time
Sex and the Single Cell: Biologists Take a Fresh Look at "Asexual" Amoebas
Studying blobby, asexual amoebas could absolve biology of its animal bias when it comes to uncovering the mysteries of sex
Scientists discover animal-like urea cycle in tiny diatoms in the ocean
Cycle enables marine phytoplankton to use carbon and nitrogen from their environment
North America was populated by no more than 70 people 14,000 years ago, claims stunning new DNA research
The next time you're having a disagreement with a work colleague or annoying neighbour, bear this in mind: Chances are you're related.
Non-human primate studies reveal promising vaccine approach for HIV
Research conducted at Oregon Health & Science University's Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) has developed a vaccine candidate in non-human primates that may eventually lead to a vaccine against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Human lung stem cell discovered
The lung stem cell has a crucial role in tissue regeneration and may promote restoration of damaged lung cells
Beware of predatory male black bears
Research regarding North American black bear fatal attacks on people shows lone males are most dangerous, attack rates are rising with human population growth
Flipping hot Jupiters
Research on extrasolar planets helps us better understand our solar system
Potential new predictor of male reproductive potential identified
The distance between a man's scrotum and anus may indicate his ability to reproduce, said researchers from Baylor College of Medicine (www.bcm.edu/urology) in the journal PLoS ONE.
Adult stem cells take root in livers and repair damage
Johns Hopkins researchers have demonstrated that human liver cells derived from adult cells coaxed into an embryonic state can engraft and begin regenerating liver tissue in mice with chronic liver damage.
UGA scientists discover missing links in the biology of cloud formation over the oceans
Scientists have known for two decades that sulfur compounds that are produced by bacterioplankton as they consume decaying algae in the ocean cycle through two paths.
Botox injected in head 'trigger point' is proven to reduce migraine crises
Scientists at the University of Granada have confirmed that injecting a local anesthetic or botulinum toxin (botox) into certain points named "trigger points" of the pericraneal and neck muscles reduce migraine frequency among migraine sufferers.
Mild obesity appears to improve survival in ALS patients
Mass. General study finds survival predicted by body mass index, not lipid levels
Dengue fever cases 'double in UK'
The number of people bringing dengue fever back to the UK from tropical countries has doubled, according to the Health Protection Agency (HPA).
Music Guards Against Auditory Signs of Aging
Strumming that guitar or rehearsing your favorite piano piece may pay off later in life, according to a new study focusing on the auditory benefits of being a lifelong musician.
NASA's Galileo reveals magma 'ocean' beneath surface of Jupiter's moon
A new analysis of data from NASA's Galileo spacecraft has revealed that beneath the surface of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io is an "ocean" of molten or partially molten magma.
Disruption of nerve cell supply chain may contribute to Parkinson's
New data offer hints to why Parkinson's disease so selectively harms brain cells that produce the chemical dopamine, say researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
Donkey milk can help children with milk allergies
In the hills outside Bologna in northern Italy a slightly peculiar farm has become the centre of a health experiment that harks back to the practices of ancient Greece and Rome.
Alien life may huddle under hydrogen blankets
Swaddled in a hydrogen atmosphere a few dozen times thicker than our nitrogen-oxygen one, a planet could keep warm at up to 15 times Earth's distance from the sun
New 'Viagra condom' to join the fight in STD prevention
The biggest complaint from men and women when it comes to condom use is the decrease in sensitivity and erectile performance during intercourse.
Twitter Helped Doctors Tell Patients Where to Get Meds After Japan Earthquake
In the hours after the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami hit Japan in March, essential infrastructure and communication were cut off, leaving many of the disasters' survivors without access to phones, electricity or water.
Study finds therapies using induced pluripotent stem cells could encounter immune rejection problems
Biologists at UC San Diego have discovered that an important class of stem cells known as "induced pluripotent stem cells," or iPSCs, derived from an individual's own cells, could face immune rejection problems if they are used in future stem cell therapies.
Measles outbreak warning as cases rise in Europe and UK
In the 1990s, experts thought they were close to eliminating measles for good.
Educating heart patients, families cut one hospital's falls by 64 percent
Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center had noticed that, despite a hospital-wide program to prevent patient falls, the cardiovascular progressive care unit experienced an increase in the rate of patient falls.
Persuasive speech: The way we, um, talk sways our listeners
Want to convince someone to do something? A new University of Michigan study has some intriguing insights drawn from how we speak.
NASA Puts Earth's Nearest Neighbor, 'The Moon', Within Reach
NASA has created a new interactive web-based tool that incorporates observations from past and current lunar missions creating one of the most comprehensive lunar research websites to date.
US astronomers launch search for alien life on 86 planets
A massive radio telescope in rural West Virginia has begun listening for signs of alien life on 86 possible Earth-like planets, US astronomers said Friday.
Tiny variation in 1 gene may have led to crucial changes in human brain
The human brain has yet to explain the origin of one its defining features – the deep fissures and convolutions that increase its surface area and allow for rational and abstract thoughts.
Ebola virus case reported near Uganda's capital: officials
Initial test results indicate that a 12-year-old girl died of the deadly Ebola virus in a town about 35 kilometres (22 miles) north of Kampala, health officials told AFP on Saturday.

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